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Jumper Marie (31) lost in court: Can be sued

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Jumper Marie (31) lost in court: Can be sued

Marie Valdar Longem lost the case she brought before the French court. Photo: Fredrik Solstad / VG

Marie Valdar Longem reported her Olympic-winning ex-boyfriend for violence, but she was convicted and the ex was acquitted. Now she can be sued.

Sunday 25 February at 15:13

The short version

  • Norwegian show jumper Marie Valdar Longem was sentenced on Thursday to a fine of 1,500 euros for intentional violence against her Olympic-winning ex-boyfriend Kévin Staut, who was acquitted.
  • The two accused each other of violence after an incident at a hotel in February 2023.
  • Longem is appealing the verdict and Staut’s lawyer suggests she may pursue Longem for defamation.
  • The Norwegian rider does not fear the possibilities of Olympic participation.

Sea view

French show jumper Kévin Staut (43) won the case in court. Fanny Colin is Staut’s lawyer. She believes it is within Longem’s full right to appeal the verdict.

– We will take note of it. The court found Kevin Staut not guilty of the charges leveled against him by Longem, and at the same time found Longem guilty of having committed violence against Kevin Staut. The court also ruled that Staut’s statements were true, says Colin to VG.

– The only victim in this case is actually Kevin Staut, she adds.

She does not rule out that her client will pursue the Norwegian rider for defamation.

– We reserve the right to initiate all measures, including defamation where applicable, says Colin.

The French rider has won several competitions in recent years. Photo: Bernd Wei’brod / AP / NTB

The criminal court in Lisieux in France on Thursday sentenced the Norwegian rider, Marie Valdar Longem, to a fine of 1,500 euros for intentional violence and at the same time acquitted her ex-boyfriend, Staut.

The court did not find sufficient evidence for her allegation of violence.


In an earlier version of the case, it was stated that “the court believed that the Norwegian rider’s accusations against French Staut were false”. This is not correct. The court did not find sufficient evidence to support her allegation of violence. The matter was changed at 14.56, 25 February 2024.

Staut’s lawyer writes to VG that evidence emerged during the trial that the accusations against Staut were false.

– This is completely wrong, and another false accusation on Staut’s part. The judge concluded that a bleeding nose and proven concussion were not sufficient evidence that he had attacked and scalped me, she tells VG.

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Physical confrontation at the hotel

The two riders accused each other of violence in a hotel room on February 2, 2023, when they were returning from an event in connection with a Bordeaux show jumping event.

Longem appeared in VG on 14 January and told his version of the case. This happened after Staut had conveyed his version to the French media.

Longem and Staut had been lovers for about half a year, but had known each other for many years, when the incident which has now been dealt with in court occurred.

Longem told VG that she felt neglected by Staut during the convention. She checked his cell phone when they got to the hotel room.

– The suspicions I had had were confirmed when I read some messages, she told VG.

Reported the case in Norway

After confronting him, the situation escalated into a physical confrontation. She says she fainted as a result of the confrontation.

Although she attempted to report the incident to the local police the next day, language problems prevented her from doing so, Longem claims.

In 2016, Staut celebrated his Olympic gold in front of the Eiffel Tower Photo: BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

She later returned to Norway, where she sought medical help and submitted a report to the Norwegian police.

Staut has contested the charges and claims that it was Longem who injured him, and he has countersued her. She was convicted in court, while he was acquitted.

Thinks she hurt herself

Staut completely rejects Longem’s version, according to French sports newspaper L’Equipe.

He claims he was sleeping on a couch in the room when Longem woke him up and pressed hard on his injured knee. The newspaper writes that he told the police that he was trying to get his phone back.

He claims Longem hurt himself by hitting his head on his forehead trying to get the phone back.

Staut has also alleged that Longem was jealous and scolded him several times that night.

Not worried about Olympic participation

The Norwegian rider, Longem, does not fear not being included in the Olympics this summer. An appeal case in France is only heard after six to nine months.

Marie Valdar Longem is one of Norway’s best riders. She is set to represent Norway in the Olympics in Paris this summer. Photo: Fredrik Solstad / VG

Now that the case has been appealed, it means that the case is still alive, and that the verdict that came first will not necessarily apply after the appeal.

– Through the appeal, I hope that justice prevails, and I do not fear for the opportunities to compete, says Longem.

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