Home » Kadyrov and rumors of serious illness. His deputy denies it but he says: “We don’t want to live long”

Kadyrov and rumors of serious illness. His deputy denies it but he says: “We don’t want to live long”

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Kadyrov and rumors of serious illness.  His deputy denies it but he says: “We don’t want to live long”

“There is no peace for these gossip e talkative, who have nothing to do but chatter. It is for these narrow-minded people that we recorded a video together with our dear brother, the head of the Chechen Republic, hero of Russia Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. Well? What do you say now?”. To deny the rumors of an alleged serious illness of the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov his right arm tries Adam Delimkhanovwhich in a video about Instagram settle the rumors. The two in the video – published on the Telegram channel of Delimkhanov and dated July 2 – they joke, laugh and eat together. But in a direct Instagram Kadyrov himself does not seem to confirm that his state of health is optimal. “We are alive, we don’t want to live long. We want to live little but with dignity”. Time does the same Kadyrov had communicated that he had released the news to “show everyone, mainly the Ukrainianshow far theirs have subsided media“. Rumors of his alleged illness have been circulating in the Russian and international media since March, especially since an article in the German newspaper Bild in early March wrote that Kadyrov had called a specialist from the United Arab Emirates to Chechnya to treat a serious condition renal.

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Undisputed protagonist of Chechen politics, Kadyrov he has been in power for over 15 years, but in September last year he declared his intention to leave. Statements that are not followed by facts. ‘Promoted’ in 2007 by the Tsar Putin at the top of the Chechen Autonomous Russian Republichis political work has been strongly criticized by international community and give it organizations humanitarianwho have not forgiven his attitude undemocraticits actions harmful to human rights, but also the frequent use of arrests illegal and, in more recent years, the accusations of persecution against the community Lgbt. Feats committed by the notorious ‘kadyrovtsy’, the militia paramilitary who works alongside him. Nicknamed ‘the butcher of Grozny’, Kadyrov would be connected – according to the newspaper Novaya Gazeta – also in the case of the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskayawhich he had concentrated most of his work on Chechnyatorn apart in those years by the separatism murderer on the one hand and the chronic violation of human rights on the other.

In recent months, it has finally aroused alarm his active participation in the war conflict in Ukraine obviously alongside his powerful protector, the leader of the Kremlinand especially his actions in the field such as the siege of the city of Kievthe raids on the chemical plant of Azote or at the steel mill of Mariupol, the martyr city occupied by the Russians after weeks of offensive. War undertakings that are by no means exempt from criticism by the Western press, which has repeatedly feared the risk of further massacres o cruelty such as those committed in your country against the Muslim majority population or against inconvenient activists and journalists.

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