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King Harald turns 87, but where is the king?

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King Harald turns 87, but where is the king?

On Monday, the message came from the castle that King Harald (87) is on a private trip abroad, and that Crown Prince Haakon (50) is stepping in as regent.

Protects the relationship

In the current week, the king has nothing on the program, and it is also winter holidays in Oslo. Crown Prince Haakon (50) is listed as regent on the program next week between 26 February and 1 March, but it is possible that the tour has started before this.

The king’s whereabouts are not known. But Se og Hør’s royal house expert has his theories about where King Harald is.

IN LARGE: King Harald was in great style and brought out people’s laughter during a gala dinner. Video: Red Card. view more

Tips for warmer areas

Se og Hør’s royal house expert Caroline Vagle can tell you that the king usually travels abroad during the winter holidays.

– Which of course also coincides with his birthday. Several times he has taken the whole extended family to sun and warmth, such as when he turned 80 and they went to South Africa, and when he turned 85 and took the whole family to Mauritius, she tells Dagbladet.

Therefore he was alone

The holiday is considered private, and the royal house therefore does not release information about where the king has taken the trip. However, it can be speculated whether he has sought out places that facilitate interests such as sailing or skiing.

Vagle has his theories, and believes that woolen underwear and ski boots give way to umbrella drinks and swimming trunks.

80TH ANNIVERSARY: Queen Margrethe II of Denmark turns 80 on April 16. Actually, the day was to be celebrated with friends and acquaintances. But, like the rest of the world, the royals have now had to resort to digital solutions. Video: The Danish royal house Show more

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– I’m guessing he’s had a couple of weeks of sun and heat. In the past, the family has also sought out various ski paradises during the winter holidays, but in recent years they have preferred warmth.

Gift was revealed

During his stay abroad, Norway’s king turns 87, and according to tradition, flags in red, white and blue are raised all over the country to honor the jubilee.


In Norway, the monarch does not celebrate his birthday officially, as they do in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Great Britain. Only on major anniversaries does King Harald celebrate officially, such as when he turned 80. Usually the big day is celebrated privately.

It is not known whether it is new leather gloves, a fishing rod or Moon Boots that are at the top of the king’s wish list. But last year the gift from the Royal Court to the boss was revealed.

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“During a tour of the exhibition “The King’s Cars” in March 2022, King Harald asked if anyone knew where his first motorcycle was kept today. It turned out that for the king’s 16th birthday in 1953, he got a Husqvarna light motorcycle, model 30 Sport,” the royal house wrote to a photo carousel of a cheerful King Harald together with the blue bike.

In the post it emerged that the bicycle was a gift from his father, then Crown Prince Olav.

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