Home » Lavrov defends Berlusconi after clash with Zelensky: “A reasonable man who doesn’t see everything as black and white”

Lavrov defends Berlusconi after clash with Zelensky: “A reasonable man who doesn’t see everything as black and white”

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Lavrov defends Berlusconi after clash with Zelensky: “A reasonable man who doesn’t see everything as black and white”

The Russian Foreign Minister also intervenes, Sergei Lavrovin the distance repartee between Silvio Berlusconi and the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky. An exchange that highlighted the different positions within the center-right majority on support for theUkraine, so much so that government representatives immediately had to reiterate the executive’s firm pro-Atlantist position. But today the head of Russian diplomacy decided to praise the positions of the founder of Come on Italy: “We hear the assessments and statements of many international leaders and experienced politicians – said Lavrov, answering a question from the Italian press on the sidelines of the G20 in India – Obviously, Silvio Berlusconi is one of them. He is a reasonable man who doesn’t try to paint everything in black and white, doesn’t try to escalate tensions in the world under the slogan of the struggle of democracy against autocracy. Berlusconi understands the need to solve the problems on which our lives depend”.

Words that will not please Volodymyr Zelensky, but neither will Giorgia Meloni. In recent weeks, the Ukrainian president had responded kindly to the force leader and, during the visit of the Prime Minister to Kiev, had also expressed to her his annoyance at Berlusconi’s utterances. And he had done so during the joint press conference: “Several leaders have the right to think, the real problem is the approach of the Italian company which has given that leader a mandate. Berlusconi’s house has never been bombed by missilesnever arrived with the tanks in the garden of his house, no one killed his relatives, he never had to pack his bags at 3 in the morning to escape or his wife had to look for food. And all this thanks to the brotherly love of Russia”.

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A clash that had begun weeks earlier, when Berlusconi was the first, who never hid the privileged ten-year relationship with Vladimir Putin, to criticize the work of Zelensky. “I judge his work very negatively“, he said before also commenting on Meloni’s choice to meet him: “Me to talk to Zelensky, if I had been the Prime Minister, I would never have gone because we are witnessing the devastation of his country and the slaughter of its soldiers and civilians. It was enough that he ceased to attack the two autonomous republics of Donbass and this would not have happened, so I judge the behavior of this gentleman very, very negatively”.

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