Home » Let’s give them to Poland, the American atomic bombs in Italy

Let’s give them to Poland, the American atomic bombs in Italy

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Let’s give them to Poland, the American atomic bombs in Italy

In the logic of a bellicose escalation now out of control, despite the addiction of the most and the arrival of summer, Putin asked his friend and ally Lukashenko to store in Belarus nuclear weapons and missiles Moscow tacticians. Conservative Polish premier Mateusz Morawiecki he immediately saw an opportunity, so he took the Putin-Lukashenko deal as a pretext to ask Washington that similar US tactical atomic bombs be housed in Poland. Warsaw, by now it is known, aspires to be the American outpost in Eastern Europe against the threats of the Russian Federation. According to OSINT sources, about twenty US B61-12 nuclear warheads on Polish territory could perform the correct function of deterrence. Arsenal that would add to the 100 US nuclear warheads already located in the European Union in military bases in four NATO countries: Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy.

In this scenario, here a modest offer that Giorgia Meloni and her true pro-American government will not like it (the prime minister will probably not talk about it in the bilateral meeting scheduled for Wednesday in Warsaw with Morawiecki): it could be Italy that supplies Poland, which needs them so badly, with the newspapers American nuclear B61-12 now housed in Ghedi air bases, in the province of Brescia and Aviano, near Pordenone. By virtue of a secret bilateral treaty stipulated between Rome and Washington in the 1950s, renewed in the absolute silence of Parliament up to the present day by every government in office – centre-left, centre-right, technicians – the bases of the Ghedi and Aviano Air Force [in foto] they hold as many as 20 US atomic warheads each. Top secret agreement and treaty, which over the course of several decades has strengthened the relationship of subjection and vassalage of Rome to Washington. Worse: we are the only EU nation with two military bases dedicated to American nukeson balance we host 40 percent of the entire Yankee nuclear arsenal in Europe, with the enormous risks and few advantages that this entails (imagine the dystopian specular situation of 100 Russian atomic bombs stationed in Mexico or Cuba).


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All the surveys indicate that Italians would be in a very large majority happy to get rid of these weapons of destruction and mass deaths (a tactical nuclear bomb is more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945). From a survey by Greenpeace Italy carried out by Ipsos, we know that the verdict of the Italians is unequivocal. About 80 percent of those interviewed ask that the world‘s nuclear arsenals be “dismantled”; that US warheads are “completely withdrawn from Italy”; that tricolor fighter-bombers are not used to drop nuclear bombs; and that our country adheres to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. But the policy is completely deaf at the request of the people. And the Meloni government, falsely sovereign, is deaf and also blind. The inconvenient truth is that Rome has no strategic voice within NATO but in the name of a presumed security guaranteed by the American atomic umbrella we accept all the risks associated with any accidents and even future reprisals by Moscow, if the situation gets out of control. Since in the proxy conflict in Ukraine between NATO and the Russian Federation, our country – co-belligerent for sending arms to Kiev – is considered by the Russians a possible target.

There is no legitimate need for that Biden, however warmongering, he accepts Morawiecki’s request to install tactical nuclear weapons in Poland, since the strategic position of atomic power in this part of the world is already sufficient for the Americans to guarantee their interests. Furthermore, NATO’s Article 5 obliges the United States to defend Poland in the unlikely event that it suffers a Russian attack. About the hypothesis that Italy gives up its atomic bombs to Poland “made in Usa”, it would in theory be a very good idea if only the opposition parties (most right-wing opposition to the government of the last half century) made it their banner or mission. But who can ever believe that Schlein or Conte could have the political courage to choose such battles for their electorate? Excluding the Democratic Party, why, however, the M5S does not instead pursue a design of Italy’s neutrality, imitating Austria neither more nor less, just to name a country in the civil and modern euro area in the heart of the Europe? So, without this implying leaving NATO, as the maximalists claim, it would be nice if the forty American B61-12s housed in Northern Italy really went to Poland, which wants them so badly.

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The only reason Warsaw would love to host US tactical nuclear weapons is to show off your trustworthiness as an allied country of America. Also to underline the ambition to ascend to the role of regional power, with its own growing “sphere of influence” in central and eastern Europe. Morawiecki’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party hopes to maintain the consensus of the conservative base before the autumn elections. In general, with the war going on just a few hundred kilometers from the border, the geopolitical issue in the electoral campaign will be much more dominant than domestic political issues. Crucial point is to reinforce the perception that Poland is able to guarantee security in that part of Europe, far better than a Germany that is a shadow of itself and in deep identity crisis, after the invasion Russian of Ukraine. Most Poles love America, so Morawiecki hopes that to flirt with the idea of ​​having the most powerful weapon of mass destruction (made in the USA) on its territory is a good electoral card to play in an anti-Russian function.

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In this scenario, it must be said that the issue of atomic bombs had never had the political and media prominence it has today in recent decades. The latest news on the matter is that of the nine nations of the Atomic Club – the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel – the number of operational nuclear weapons has begun to increase as individual states’ plans for modernization and expansion progress. From the annual report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on the state of armaments, disarmament and international security, it is found that in January 2023 of the total global inventory of 12,512 warheads, 9576 were in storage for potential use, 86 in more than in January 2022. Of these, 3844 are deployed on missiles and aircraft and about 2000 (almost all belonging to Russia and the United States) are kept in a state of maximum operational alert. Which means they can be launched in minutes, mounted on missiles or ready at airbases hosting nuclear fighter-bombers (including the 40 bombs of Ghedi and Aviano, mounted on Tornados and F-35s). Russia and the United States together own quasi 90% of all atomic weapons.

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No one wants an apocalyptic mushroom cloud on the Po Valley, so it would be very useful (and not utopian) to take a concrete step towards nuclear disarmament as required – and required – by the International Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) ratified by the UN and in force since January 2021. To which Italy though he is careful not to join. The Treaty establishes the prohibition and illegality of atomic bombs, just as the world has never been so close to the risk of an atomic conflict, with the constant threats of the Kremlin (Ukraine, Medvedev: “Nuclear apocalypse is probable”) ready to stick up for “by any means” its interests in Ukraine in the armed confrontation with an increasingly fierce NATO. All this while the rush to nuclear rearmament proceeds undaunted and spending on nuclear arsenals is constantly growing (+9% from 2020 to 2021). Giorgia, give Mateusz the atomic bombs of Ghedi and Aviano.

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