Home » Malaysian National Team Gets 2 Good News Ahead of 2026 World Cup Qualification

Malaysian National Team Gets 2 Good News Ahead of 2026 World Cup Qualification

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Malaysian National Team Gets 2 Good News Ahead of 2026 World Cup Qualification


The Malaysian national team squad against Oman in the fourth match of Group D of the 2026 World Cup Qualifications in the Asian zone.

SUPERBALL.ID – The Malaysian national team received two good news at once ahead of the remaining two matches in Group D of the second round of the 2026 World Cup Qualifications in the Asian zone.

Malaysia has the potential to make history by advancing to the third round of the 2026 World Cup Qualifications in the Asian zone.

The condition is to defeat Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan in the last two matches of the second round next June.

Malaysia is now in third place in Group D with six points after four matches.

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Harimau Malaya will face hosts Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek in the fifth match on June 6.

This will be followed by a match against Taiwan at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium on June 11.

Ahead of these two matches, Kim Pan-gon’s team received two good news at once.

The first piece of good news is that Malaysia doesn’t seem to need to change bases to face Taiwan next month.

After receiving criticism, the grass at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium (SNBJ) appears to be in good condition.




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