Home » Mexican Authorities Locate 305 Wanted Foreign Nationals After Hurricane Otis

Mexican Authorities Locate 305 Wanted Foreign Nationals After Hurricane Otis

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Mexican Authorities Locate 305 Wanted Foreign Nationals After Hurricane Otis

Mexican Authorities Successfully Locate 305 Foreign Citizens After Hurricane “Otis” Hits Acapulco

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) has announced that they have located 305 foreign individuals who were reported as missing after Hurricane “Otis” struck Acapulco. These individuals were wanted by their countries of origin and their diplomatic representations in Mexico.

Headed by Alicia Bárcena, the SRE informed that Belize, Croatia, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay have confirmed that all of their citizens who were reported missing have been found. Additionally, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Japan, Peru, and Switzerland have also successfully located 100 percent of their missing citizens.

“This makes a total of 12 countries whose nationals have been safely located and are out of danger,” stated Bárcena.

The SRE, under the leadership of Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, will continue its efforts to locate the remaining missing foreign citizens. They will be working in collaboration with the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid). The Ministry will also provide regular updates on the progress of their search.

It is important to note that the SRE’s efforts in locating and assisting foreign nationals are crucial in times of natural disasters. By successfully finding these individuals, the Mexican government demonstrates its commitment to international cooperation and the safety of all its residents and visitors.

Furthermore, as the SRE continues its work, it urges citizens to stay informed and follow any necessary precautions during and after such natural calamities.

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