Home » Mexico’s Upcoming Pre-Campaigns for General Elections: What to Expect

Mexico’s Upcoming Pre-Campaigns for General Elections: What to Expect

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Mexico’s Upcoming Pre-Campaigns for General Elections: What to Expect

Pre-campaigns for Mexico’s general elections are set to begin on November 20, according to the National Electoral Institute (INE). The decision comes after the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) ordered the INE to adjust the original date of November 5. The pre-campaign period, which will last until January 18, allows political parties to hold internal contests to determine their candidates. However, analysts believe that this pre-campaign will be different as the two main coalitions, Morena and the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition, have already chosen their presidential candidates. Xóchitl Gálvez was selected as the candidate for the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition, while Claudia Sheinbaum was elected as the candidate for Morena and its allies. Nonetheless, there is speculation that former Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard may run as a candidate for the Citizen Movement. Experts predict that the pre-campaign period will see early promotion acts from the candidates, increased allegations between parties, and negative campaigning. The pre-campaigns also extend to the selection of candidates for the 500 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and the 128 seats in the Senate. Parties can choose different methods for candidate selection, such as elections, assemblies, surveys, or direct appointments. After the pre-campaign period, Mexico will have an inter-campaign period, followed by campaigns from March to May 2024. The general elections are scheduled for Sunday, June 2, with approximately 97.1 million voters eligible to participate. The elections will also coincide with local processes, including the governorships of nine states. In total, around 20,000 public positions will be contested in Mexico next year.

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