Home » Petrol, when to refuel to save money? Only at this time you pay half

Petrol, when to refuel to save money? Only at this time you pay half

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Petrol, when to refuel to save money?  Only at this time you pay half

When to refuel to save? Perhaps few pay attention to this thing, but it is important to choose the right time and day.

Timetable to get petrol – Oipamagazine.it

Owning a car involves a number of mandatory expenses, including the cost of replenishment. Inevitable periodic stops at service stations for the refuelingdiesel, methane or LPG depending on the type of vehicle.

However, are you aware that some days of the week offer cheaper gas prices? The replenishment of Monday, Wednesday or Saturday it is not equivalent for the whole week.

When is petrol cheaper?

Is there a specific day of the week that is most convenient to use petrol to save money? Based on the data available on petrol prices, it is generally advisable to opt for petrol on Monday or in the first days of the week.

Conversely, prices tend to be highest starting on Friday and rise as the weekend approaches.

Even if this it is not an absolute rulethe data points to a notable rise in gasoline prices from Friday morning onwards.

When to refuel to save-oipamagazine.it

The reason for this is that people tend to use their vehicles more frequently and go on trips during the weekendwhich requires refueling.

If possible, it is advisable to refuel on Mondays or, at least, in the first days of the week to save money.

This unspoken guideline is not only limited to the spring or summer seasonsbut it also applies during the winter months.

Even when temperatures drop, people keep their activity levels higher over the weekend. This consistent pattern has been fully observed.

At what time should you fill up?

You have the option to reduce fuel consumption without having to search for the best offer among different suppliers.

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By adopting some simple tricksyou can save a significant amount of money when refueling.

For best results, it is recommended to refuel in the morning, when ambient and soil temperatures are reached they are fresher.

Service stations generally store fuel in underground storage and, when ground temperatures are lower, also the fuel density is lower.

Pump benzina-oipamagazine.it

As the day progresses and temperatures rise, the density of the fuel increases.

This means that a liter of fuel may not actually be an exact liter, but slightly less.

Be careful when using the full power of the dispensing nozzleas it could lead to unintended consequences.

It is more convenient to refuel at a slower pace, as this reduces vapor generation and ensures that more of the fuel is delivered to the tank in the liquid state. By adhering to this practice, savings can be achieved.

Pay attention to the condition of the fuel tank neck. It is recommended to refill the tank before reach a higher level half empty.

Indeed, when the quantity of fuel in the tank is less than the quantity of air, the fuel tends to evaporate faster.

It is recommended that you avoid refueling your vehicle during or shortly after draining the fuel in the service area.

During this operation, the fuel present in the tanks mixes, causing the agitation of all sediments, including the organic residueswhich have settled to the bottom.

Refueling during this time increases the probability of refueling with contaminated fuel.

Fuel price app to save money

If you’re looking to save a few bucks on fuel, there’s another option available. You can use one of the many Apps that compare petrol prices at the different stations.

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This way, you can identify in advance where the cost is lower and head to the nearest gas station with the cheapest prices.

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