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Pope Francis Prays for Peace in a World Ravaged by Violence

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Pope Francis Prays for Peace in a World Ravaged by Violence

“Pope Francis Prays for Peace On Day of Prayer, Fasting and Penance for Peace”

October 27th, Vatican City – In a world plagued by violence and conflict, Pope Francis led a prayer for peace during the liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica on the Day of Prayer, Fasting and Penance for Peace. With heartfelt words and a plea to the Virgin Mary, the Pope called for a transformation in the hearts of those trapped in hatred and for those who provoke conflict to change their ways.

During the liturgy, Pope Francis entrusted the destiny of mankind to the Virgin Mary, asking her to wipe away the tears of children and bring a ray of light in the dark night of conflict. The Pope’s prayer for peace comes at a time when the world is troubled and torn by division and hatred.

The day of prayer, fasting, and penance for peace was appointed by Pope Francis, who personally presided over the closing liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica. This day serves as a uniting force for God’s people worldwide, with the sole intention of silencing the weapons of war and urging leaders of all countries to embark on the path of peace.

During the liturgy, attendees had the opportunity to pray with the People of God. The Pope, accompanied by believers from the Diocese of Rome and participants from the World Bishops Conference, recited the Rosary of the Five Parts of Pain. The selected Gospel passages and teachings of the early church fathers were also reflected upon and meditated.

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As the liturgy unfolded, the Pope spoke on behalf of those living in war-torn areas, bringing their suffering and hope to the attention of the Virgin Mary. Acknowledging the hardships and pains endured by many, Pope Francis implored the Mother of God to help guide humanity back to peace. He called for unity in the Church and for all to take responsibility for peace.

“Our Lady calls the world to prayer and penance,” the Pope emphasized, urging humanity to listen to her invitation. He asked for the Blessed Mother’s support in guarding unity within the Church and fostering coexistence worldwide. The Pope also entrusted human weakness to the hands of the Blessed Mother, recognizing that without Jesus, true peace cannot be achieved.

In his prayer, Pope Francis beseeched the Virgin Mary to bring mercy and peace to the world. He pleaded for a shake in the hearts of those trapped in hatred and for those who instigate conflict to change their ways. The Pope expressed his concern for the tears shed by children and urged the Blessed Mother to comfort the lonely, protect the injured and sick, and rekindle hope.

Concluding the liturgy, Pope Francis consecrated the church and the world to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking for her intercession and highlighting her role as the dawn of salvation. He prayed for her guidance in inspiring the leaders of all nations towards the path to peace and pleaded for her help in enabling children to make peace with one another, despite the temptations of sin.

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The Pope’s prayer for peace serves as a reminder that unity, compassion, and the pursuit of harmony are essential in overcoming the conflicts that tear the world apart. As the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Basilica and millions connected through prayer worldwide, Pope Francis called upon the intercession of the Blessed Mother to bring about a much-needed ray of light in the dark night of conflict.

For more information, visit www.vaticannews.cn.

Source: Vatican News

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