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Pregnancy and energy check-up ~ The chronicles of a young mother

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Pregnancy and energy check-up ~ The chronicles of a young mother

Pregnancy is a unique experience. A little being grows inside you and your body metamorphoses so that this cocoon is favorable to its growth and good development.

In terms of everything you can feel and experience, your daily abilities are declining, even if you would still like to give it your all and be in great shape. For your well-being and that of the baby, it is crucial to adapt your daily life to your possibilities and your energy. Here are five (05) boosting habits that will allow you to experience your pregnancy better.


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Pregnancy and work: take regular breaks

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For those who manage to continue their daily activities during pregnancy, do not neglect the breaks to take at regular intervals. Get up from your seat and take a walk around the room, onto the patio, or into the yard. If you have a break room, take advantage of your lunch break to stretch out. Do small exercises that will help you recharge your batteries, clear your mind and improve your blood circulation. This will help you feel less tired and more likely to stay focused the rest of the day.

Take advantage of the weekend to disconnect from work

It’s hard to say when you’re in certain positions of responsibility, but if possible, don’t take work home on the weekend! Instead, take advantage of this moment to relax, rest, and spend quality time with the people you love. Great pressure and stress are not recommended during pregnancy, as they can lead to threatened childbirth. Disconnecting from work on the weekend means stocking up on energy for better performance the following week. You can read this related article to experience a more fulfilled motherhood.

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Congratulate yourself on your small accomplishments

Your body is no longer the same because it has undergone enormous changes. Your ability to be active and strong too can take a hit. As a result, you will have good days and bad days. Accept that you won’t be able to be at your best some days. When this situation occurs: don’t put pressure on yourself, don’t feel guilty, don’t question your performance. Instead, congratulate yourself on your accomplishments and do your best every day.


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Dare to say no when necessary

You are not superwoman. You are also not sick, but you need to some extent to avoid work that requires a lot of energy and great physical strength. There are things that you will no longer be able to do because of your condition. Learn to listen to your body and recognize the signs of fatigue. Think about it and dare to say no when necessary for fear of being on the sidelines. Being pregnant, especially at the end of pregnancy, it is recommended to delegate tasks and get plenty of rest.

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Plan 70% of your day and leave the rest to pregnancy moods

Don’t set the bar high. Trust yourself, but stay flexible with yourself. In addition, under the influence of hormones, with changing moods, it is not possible to guarantee 100% investment from you in a project or activity. The most important thing is to prioritize your tasks and always start the day with tasks that are both important and urgent. Once processed, you can focus on those that are important, but not urgent. The rest can be planned for later if you wish.

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In five (05) points, here are some ideas for an energy check-up and really enjoy your pregnancy while staying in top shape.


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