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premier league bih zrinjski sarajevo | Sports

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premier league bih zrinjski sarajevo |  Sports

The duel between the great rivals will bring down the curtain on the autumn part of the season in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the home team leads 2:0 after the first half.

Source: Promo/HŠK Zrinjski

A treat for the end of the Premier League half-season – Zrinjski and Sarajevo meet in Mostar!

It is a direct battle for second place at the end of autumn, and after the first 45 minutes, the team from Mostar has an advantage of two goals:

ZRINJSKI – SARAJEVO 2:0, ongoing
/Bilbija 40, Zlomislić 44/

The captain of Mostar checked Sarajevo’s goalkeeper Lovra Rogić five minutes before going to rest. After a cross from the right side, the defense of Sarajevo briefly removed the danger, and Kerim Memija headed the ball to the left side to Bilbia, who checked the visiting goalkeeper and scored his 15th goal of the season.

He could boast of a goal against Bilbi six minutes earlier, but he was inaccurate from the penalty spot. First, Frank Sabljić’s shot was blocked, and in the continuation of the action in front of Sarajevo’s goal, Amar Beganović brought him down, so Irfan Peljto awarded a penalty, but the Zrinjski captain was saved by Rogić with the help of the post.

Just four minutes after the lead, the second goal for Zrinjski arrived. Tomislav Kiš took a free kick on the left side, and Damir Zlomislić escaped the visiting defense in the crowd and checked the motionless Rogić.

Until the awarded penalty, as well as the goals, Simon Rožman’s team had more concrete opportunities to score, so Mirza Mustafić and Ajdin Hasić had two very good long-range shots, but Zrinjski goalkeeper Marko Marić was well positioned on both occasions.

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By the way, in this match Ultras, fans of Zrinjski, say goodbye to the “Eastern Stand”, the stand from which they have supported their fans for years. In the future, a modern tribune with a capacity of 5,000 seats will be built at that location.

More soon…

ZRINJSKI: Marić, Ćorluka, Zlomislić, Sabljić, Kiš, Radić, Malekinušić, Ivančić, Memija, Senić, Bilbija. Coach: Mario Ivanković.

SARAJEVO: Rogić, Duraković, De Oliveira, Hasić, Julardžija, Beganović, Aničić, Andušić, Đuričković, Buljubasic. Mustafic. Coach: Simon Rožman.

PREMIER LEAGUE BiH – 18th round

Zrinjski – Sarajevo 2:0, u toku
/Bilbija 40, Zlomislić 44/

Played on Sunday:

Zvijezda 09 – Široki Brijeg 3:0 (2:0)
/Ristanović 28, Karaklajić 44, Maksimović 85/

Velež – Igman 1:1 (0:1)
/Hrkać 88 – Denković 3/

Played on Saturday:

Tuzla City – Sloga Meridian 3:0 (2:0)
/Pantelić 8, 11, 79/

GOŠK – Železničar 1:0 (0:0)
/Hasukić 88/

Played on Friday:

Posusje – Borac 0:2 (0:1)
/Jurilj 5, Kvržić 74/

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