Home » ROAD SAFETY Paolo Uggè (FAI): “On road safety it would be enough to apply the existing rules” – News

ROAD SAFETY Paolo Uggè (FAI): “On road safety it would be enough to apply the existing rules” – News

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ROAD SAFETY Paolo Uggè (FAI): “On road safety it would be enough to apply the existing rules” – News

Paolo Uggè, president of Fai (Federation of Italian Road Hauliers which is a member of Conftrasporto), spoke on the issue of road safety after yet another road accident, the one which occurred yesterday along the A8. “Enough proclamations: something should be done for road safety It would be enough to enforce the rules that already exist. All, including payment times”.

“In recent days there have been several accidents involving heavy vehicles – recalls Uggè – In yesterday’s accident, it would have been a tire blowout that caused the lorry to swerve into the opposite lane, according to the media ”.

“One wonders what state that rubber was in; whether the driver had taken the foreseen hours of rest, what instructions (sometimes pressing) he had received for the delivery of the goods – Uggè points out – And again: the inspection of that vehicle had been carried out, considering the deficiencies, repeatedly reported, in the inspections of heavy vehicles, due (also) to the inefficiency of the centers in charge?”.

“I consider it essential that in the new highway code checks are resumed with the CMRs (Mobile Review Centres, currently unused) in each Region: they are invaluable tools in terms of road safety”, underlines Uggè.

“This and other serious episodes relaunch the need, repeatedly indicated by Fai-Conftrasporto, for the involvement of the authorities in enforcing laws which are actually very clear – continues Uggè – Legislative decree 286 and the highway code provide, for example, that in in the event of accidents with deaths or serious injuries, the responsibilities of all components of the supply chain are assessed (it is called shared responsibility): it would be useful for the ministry to verify its application”.

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For Uggè the crux is the controls. On the times of payment, parking, waiting for the loading-unloading of the goods. All elements that according to Fai-Conftrasporto are reflected in the driving activity and the conditions of the drivers. “Abroad, for example in the dangerous goods sector, the client is very attentive to compliance with these provisions”, concludes the president of Fai-Conftrasporto.

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