Home » Tawankut’s delicacy gathered the whole village! Because of the fan, we had to wait in line for an hour! | Info

Tawankut’s delicacy gathered the whole village! Because of the fan, we had to wait in line for an hour! | Info

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Tawankut’s delicacy gathered the whole village!  Because of the fan, we had to wait in line for an hour!  |  Info

The first “Fankijada”, an event that gathered all the people from the surrounding villages, was solemnly held in Donji Tavankut yesterday.


More than two thousand people waited patiently in long lines, in order not to taste this delicacy! As the locals say, they did not expect this kind of attendance and are pleasantly surprised!

The smell of freshly baked fanak, which the housewives from Donji Tavankut were preparing from early dawn, spread endlessly. Prepared in the traditional way, as housewives say, the dough for the most beautiful girls is very specific and must be prepared in a warm room. There are no secret ingredients, but what must be prepared with a lot of love! That’s how the housewives give off, the best and most beautiful guys, and that’s exactly what you could try yesterday in Donji Tavankut.

About four thousand pieces were sold during the day, and what is interesting is that the manifestation is of a humanitarian type, so all the collected funds were directed to Easter packages for children from Tavankut and Ljutovo. The people of Tavanku say that the main goal of the event is to preserve tradition and customs from being forgotten, but also to bring them closer to the younger generations, because the world rests on them. Already next year, we expect more young hosts at the event, which is promising!

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