Home » The FBI believes that the pandemic was caused “by an accident in a Chinese laboratory”

The FBI believes that the pandemic was caused “by an accident in a Chinese laboratory”

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The FBI believes that the pandemic was caused “by an accident in a Chinese laboratory”

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday evening publicly stated for the first time that the US federal police investigation agency believes that the most likely origin of the spread of the coronavirus is an incident “in a laboratory controlled by the Chinese government”. . It is a partially known position, because had emerged in October 2021 when some US intelligence documents were declassified. But now the FBI director has said it publicly:

The FBI has for some time now concluded that the most likely origin of the pandemic was a possible laboratory accident

Wray also added that China has done “everything it could to hinder and complicate” the search for truth. Wray’s statements come shortly after an appeal by the US ambassador to China who had asked that the Beijing government “be more honest” about the origins of the coronavirus.

The origin of the coronavirus pandemic has been discussed for some time now and according to experts, understanding it better could offer new resources for prevention, in order to avoid the rapid spread of a new disease, which causes millions of deaths (COVID -19 has so far resulted in about 7 million only considering the official data). China has always strongly rejected the hypothesis of a laboratory accident, also citing the conclusions of the World Health Organization which called it “very unlikely”.

The statements of Wray they come two days after similar findings from the US Department of Energy. Other intelligence agencies of the United States, on the other hand, continue to have divergent hypotheses on the origin of the coronavirus and believe that the evaluations of the Department of Energy are weak and that they have arrived at it with “little conviction”.

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On Monday, US presidency National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said there were no shared conclusions about the origins of the virus: “We are not at this point yet. If there was information worth sharing with Congress and the American people, we would.”

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