Home » The hawks of the Fed officials do not change the international gold prices continue to be under pressure丨On the market

The hawks of the Fed officials do not change the international gold prices continue to be under pressure丨On the market

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The hawks of the Fed officials do not change the international gold prices continue to be under pressure丨On the market

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First Financial 2022-10-21 11:33:03

Editor in charge: Zhu Mengyun

International gold prices continued to be under pressure on Thursday. The international gold price opened at $1,629.11/oz. The intraday high reached $1,645.65/oz, the lowest was $1,621.40/oz, and finally closed at $1,627.89/oz. In terms of economic data, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits at the beginning of the week was 214,000, and 230,000 were expected, and the labor market continued to tighten. In terms of macro events, British Prime Minister Truss issued a resignation statement, announcing his resignation as the leader of the British Conservative Party, that is, he will automatically resign as British Prime Minister.

The hawks of the Fed officials do not change the international gold prices continue to be under pressure丨On the market

International gold prices continued to be under pressure on Thursday. The international gold price opened at $1,629.11/oz. The intraday high reached $1,645.65/oz, the lowest was $1,621.40/oz, and finally closed at $1,627.89/oz. In terms of economic data, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits at the beginning of the week was 214,000, and 230,000 were expected, and the labor market continued to tighten. In terms of macro events, British Prime Minister Truss issued a resignation statement, announcing his resignation as the leader of the British Conservative Party, that is, he will automatically resign as British Prime Minister.

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