Home » The mother of the children killed in the fire in Novi Pazar is pregnant Info

The mother of the children killed in the fire in Novi Pazar is pregnant Info

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The mother of the children killed in the fire in Novi Pazar is pregnant  Info

After the terrible fire in Novi Pazar in which four children died, their mother found out that she was pregnant in the hospital.

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The condition of the father of the four children who died in the fire in Novi Pazar is critical, and his operation has been postponed until Tuesday because no suitable skin donors have been found, while the mother found out that she is pregnant in the hospital. New information about the condition of the spouses Amra and Abd was revealed on a website created by the family.

“The examination revealed that she is pregnant, while Abdo is now in a coma and suffering from burns on 35 percent of his bodyand the chances of him surviving are small because the skin must be removed to avoid complications, but it can be removed only after its place is covered with an alternative skin,” the appeal states.

Appeal for help

“Save the father who lost four children. Abd needs a skin donation immediately after suffering burns on 35 percent of his body”, it is stated on the website. Through social networks, they invited everyone who is in a situation to donate blood to him, since he is in a serious condition in the hospital.

“My four nephews were killed in the fire, and my sister-in-law and cousin are in serious condition. Please help us and pray for their health. Abdulrahim’s condition is worrying and we urgently need skin and blood donors in Belgrade,” she wrote. relative of the unfortunate Egyptian. Let us remind you that four children aged between six months and five years were killed in the terrible fire, and the father and mother were taken to the hospital in serious condition with life-threatening burns. Amr A.’s mother has burns on 18 percent of her body. The doctors transferred her to the “Laza Lazarevic” clinic in Belgrade after finding out what happenedsays a relative of the family.

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The father of four children was burning alive while trying to save his children, according to eyewitnesses of this terrible event. The unfortunate man tried to enter the room where his children were via the terrace, but he was unable to open the door. Doctors at the Novi Pazar hospital said that the bodies of three children were practically charred upon admission, while the fourth child showed signs of life, but the burns were so gruesome that even resuscitation could not save him.

Neighbors in shock

Neighbors of this family say that they do not remember such a great tragedy in their area. “We heard that three children were completely charred, while the fourth died in the hospital in Pazar. We shuddered, what a tragedy had befallen us. A neighbor happened to pass by the building and saw the child’s father burning on the terrace,” says the neighbor and adds :

“The man was burning alive, the fire was on his body! He was calling for help, and he also tried to open the terrace door in order to get to his children and save them, but unfortunately he did not succeed, and since he himself was on fire, he jumped from the terrace “.


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