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The proliferation of plastic waste in the city ~ Mondoblog

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The proliferation of plastic waste in the city ~ Mondoblog


The proliferation of plastic has become a problematic situation for our societies and for cities, which experience significant difficulties in curbing it. The consequence, as we will see in this newsletter, is that the plastic that litters the streets and fills the gutters creates favorable conditions for the development of certain pathologies. The city of Abidjan is already facing it with acuity. In this new edition of the Mondoblog newsletter, we are also going to Cameroon, where the issue of copyright management remains problematic, with authors who feel wronged in the distribution. The other topics on the menu of this 167th newsletter: the difficulty of experiencing the mourning of a loved one away from loved ones, the Youth Forum in Cape Verde, the success of a blind woman in the baccalaureate in Guinea, the stay of a Dakaroise in Brittany, the development of children’s creativity during the holidays, the podcast and the nightclubs in Madagascar.

Good reading.


Plastic, an Abidjan puzzle

Abidjan, like many cities around the world, faces the thorny problem of waste management and especially plastic waste. The particularity of this capital of West Africa is that this plastic waste litters the streets, fills the gutters. This triggers a cycle of harmful effects that ultimately create a health risk for the people who live there. Bamba Ouattara notes that the country’s government has made efforts in taking decisions to counter this wave, but their execution remains problematic. The populations also have their responsibility in this proliferation of plastic, which it must be recognized, is practical. But the blogger draws attention to the fact that this material poses certain health and environmental risks, even if they are not yet felt.

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Management of copyright in Cameroon: should we laugh?

What is stuck in the management of copyright in Cameroon? This is the starting question of Phatal Ebode, which plunges into the intricacies of a system whose repercussions for artists are often derisory. However, the regulatory framework seems well defined. But the disparities in the distribution of rights makes people cringe and cause turmoil among creators.

The experience of grief in immigration

How concrete must death be for mourning to set in? Kristina Berkut, freshly arrived in Paris to continue her studies, learns of the death of her grandmother, whom she left behind in Russia. Coping with the death of a loved one while away is a painful and confusing experience that the blogger has gone through. She recounts the lessons she learned from it.

The Youth Forum in Cape Verde

Hundreds of young people from all West African countries converged on Mindelo, Cape Verde. With one objective: to discuss the promotion of youth leadership and their involvement in conflict prevention. Conflicts of which the region is not fully examined. The Mauritanian blogger Sheikh Aidara reports on this meeting.


The success of a blind woman at the baccalaureate

Mané Touré, from Dakar to Rennes

The creativity of children in the DRC

This is the beautiful story that comes from Guinea. Where Fatoumata Binta Barry, blind, obtained her baccalaureate with honors. Mamady Conde tells the saga of a young woman who harbors big dreams, despite her disability.

In Brittany, in the North of France, Françoise Ramel is the referent of Ndèye Mané Touré, a cultural producer working in Dakar, for a working visit to the region. A new opportunity to enrich each other.

In the rural regions of the DRC, traditional know-how is learned during the holidays. Very young, the children work on their dexterity in the craft trades. Ruben Nyanguila recounts the experience of children he has followed.

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Credit : Martin Kempa on Unsplash

Do you know the Mondoblog Audio ? These sound clips that take blog posts from written to spoken? Every week, a monblogger registers on his mobile phone to read one of his posts. The audio Mondoblog is then broadcast on the RFI antenna.

“Mpivoaka alina”. An expression which, in Antananarivo, designates bad people. Among them, those who practice nocturnal entertainment stand out. This means that in Madagascar, being a fan of nightclubs is not an easy task. This is revealed Tiasoa Ratsirahonana. Going to discotheques means accepting reproachful looks and inappropriate comments. And it’s even worse if you’re a woman. But the blogger invites us to abandon these considerations and take advantage of what Malagasy nights have to offer and that the opinion that people may have is a lesser evil.


Photo : Marty O’Neill on Unsplash

Podcasting, a wonderful world where the voice becomes the main instrument of narration, knowledge, and inspiration. Have you ever found yourself immersed in a captivating episode that made you forget the passage of time? Or have you ever dreamed of creating your own podcast to share your expertise or passion with the world? If you are looking to discover the world of podcasts, or to embark on this exciting adventure, you have come to the right place! This tutorial walks you through the essential steps to create and broadcast your own podcast and turn your voice into a true work of sonic art.

This newsletter was written by Cameroonian blogger René Nkowa.

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He hosts the blog From Douala With Love ».

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