Home » The race against time for Pnrr money. According to the Court of Auditors, the delays are serious: “6% of the resources have been spent”

The race against time for Pnrr money. According to the Court of Auditors, the delays are serious: “6% of the resources have been spent”

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The race against time for Pnrr money.  According to the Court of Auditors, the delays are serious: “6% of the resources have been spent”

The check from 19 billion euros for the third installment has not yet been detached. The checks of the EU Commission on the achievement of the objectives related to the second half of 2022 they are in fact still ongoing. The outcome does not appear obvious, so much so that Brussels would have taken it more time to give your green light, bypassing the date of March 31st. Of course, according to the report of the Court of Auditors, the 55 European maturities of December last year have been respected. It goes a little less well as regards instead the national goals that the government has given itself autonomy to guarantee a faster implementation of the Pnrr. Also according to the report presented by the accountancy magistrates to Parliament last Wednesday, out of 52 goals, at the end of last year there were achieved only 32.

In particular, the activities relating to 7 targets have only been started, those relating to another 5 were in the process of being defined, while for 8 objectives had emerged of delays than expected. As has already happened for other measures of the Pnrr, for example that for the I am naturalthe risk is that failure to meet a deadline overwhelms, with a ripple effecteven the later ones. But to worry Palazzo Chigi, more than the failure to cut the ribbon of some objectives, is the “implementation and financial” of the plan. That is, the actual expenditure, which the Court of Auditors estimates for the three-year period 2020-2022 lower than the initial forecasts of over 20 billion euros (-49.7%). Following the revisions made to the financial timetable, the advanced resources were spread over the following years, with a peak that will be reached in 2024-2025, when the annual allocations will be equal to approximately 45 billion euros.

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In their report, based on data collected by Registhe monitoring system of the State Accounting Office, the accounting magistrates estimate the expenses incurred at the end of 2022 equal to 23 billion eurosas soon as 12% of total resources (191.5 billion). A rather low number, which is reduced even more if the incentives already provided for in are excluded from the calculations other spending programs and then pass through the Pnrr: by activating on private request, these subsidies are in fact not indicative of the state’s ability to carry out the plan’s investments. It was above all the tax credits that inflated the figures Transition 4.0, which absorbed 2.3 billion more, and those relating to building bonuses, above all Superbonus 110%, with an estimated increase of 3.5 billion compared to forecasts. Stripped of these and other “automatic” incentives, effective spending sags to just 10 billion eurosil 6% of the 168 billion total. “This situation” write the accounting magistrates “highlights the important financial effort required in the coming years to ensure full use of the resources allocated in the Plan”. Translated: hurry up. After all, Palazzo Chigi had understood that time was not on his side for a while now, so much so that the government has been working with Brussels for months to review the Pnrr. The goal is to present a proposal to the Commission by the end of April, integrating the Plan with the initiatives that fall under the hat of the RepowerEu, the package of measures adopted by the EU Commission to deal with the energy crisis. At the moment, however, the request for revision has not yet been sent.

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Consequently, the Plan, beyond the declarations, remains the current one, with its own strict schedule made up of deadlines every three months and a check by the EU authorities every six. And it is precisely on the forthcoming obligations that Italy risks being postponed. As it reports The sun 24 hours, of the 13 objectives relevant to Brussels to be achieved by March 31st, only five have already been achieved, another seven are in line with the deadlines while one is still far from crossing the finish line. This is on paper, because enormous unknowns weigh on some objectives. For example, the reform of the Procurement Code. The approval of the Council of Ministers is expected for next Tuesday, but the entry into force of the new rules has been postponed to 2024, instead of next July, as planned. An extension on which the endorsement of Brussels is not taken for granted.

As regards the other measures, to date, the one on the non self-sufficient elderly (the bill was approved on March 21 by Parliament) and the rules on administrative simplifications for the diffusion of hydrogen. The Ministry of the Environment assures a Daily fact to be online then too with the two investments relating to the production of hydrogen in abandoned industrial areas (hydrogen valleys) and its use in hard-to-abbot sectors, i.e. those that rely on methane and cannot easily switch to electricity (steel, paper and glass). As regards the first, “the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as implementing bodies, on the basis of a standard tender, have all published the regional tenders, initiating the public tender procedures to select the projects. By March, the Regions / Autonomous Provinces will proceed with the publication of the decrees for admission to funding”.

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On the measure relating to sectors hard to abate, reads the note sent by the ministry, “on 16 March the Notice was published for the technical-operational modalities for the implementation of the projects. From 20 March it is possible to send applications through IT procedure, with Invitalia as the implementing body”. On the other hand, the chapter dedicated to the satellite technology and spatial: apparently a The sun 24 hoursto date the related ASI and ESA contracts have only been partially awarded a SatCom, Earth Observation, Space Factory and In-Orbit Economy (300 million assigned to ASI). This while from the Department of Innovation reiterate a Daily fact that “All milestones due in March”, i.e. the purchase of data science professional services for the Finance Guard and the award of calls for cloud enablement for tenders for Local Health Authorities and schools, “they were reached within the established times”. The same goes for the objectives under the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure: the contracts for the development of hydrogen-based refueling stations for road transport have been awarded, while for rail transport the tender is in the closing phase. The Ministry of Public Administration is awaiting the go-ahead from the Council of State for the decree on the reform of public tenders. Finally, the ministry of economy. The measures to reduce the payment times of the PA are close to the finish line: the platform activated and the criteria for calculating the times set. However, there is no provision to establish the rules in force,

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