Home » Ukraine: confidence in the Senate after the compromise on military spending

Ukraine: confidence in the Senate after the compromise on military spending

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Ukraine: confidence in the Senate after the compromise on military spending

In Rome it is the day of the final vote on the Ukraine decree, expected around 11 am. On the provision, which provides for measures for the reception of refugees and orders the sending of military equipment to Kiev, the government raised the question of trust last night. in the Senate, essentially locking up the text which, on the other hand, was also voted on by the opposition of the Brothers of Italy, in the first reading, in the Chamber. M5s president Giuseppe Conte assured that the group’s favorable vote to trust.

“Graduality in military spending”, the M5S collects the compromise

Niccolò Carratelli

The explanations of vote
To the convinced “yes” of the group Autonomyby the mouth of Pierferdinando Casini followed the “no” of Alternative: “Prime Minister Draghi is more than a grandfather in the service of institutions, as he said at the press conference at the end of the year, he is a grandfather in the service of war, just like his US counterpart, Biden,” said Senator Crucioli. “And their worthy grandson is Foreign Minister Di Maio, who more than a 5-star minister seems to me a Minister of the Stars and Stripes.” Voting against also by the Mixed Group.
“The contents of the Ukrainian decree have nothing to do with the contents of the agenda on military expenses, which instead only provides for compliance with the commitments with NATO: I think we wanted to assemble a film set to show a film out of reality” , the group leader said in the courtroom Italy alive Davide Faraone.
No trust from fdi, through Isabella Rauti: «The Draghi government does not deserve it. We would have voted yes if the decree had had a normal path, but the government places its trust in such a sensitive matter, our choice is obligatory and easy “.
“Convinced support of the Democratic Party for the government.” He reiterates it, for the Pd Alessandro Alfieri in the declaration of vote on the confidence placed by the government on the Ukraine decree. The exponent dem recalls that the increase in military spending will proceed “gradually, as Guerini reiterated, because no one can think that these objectives can be achieved in a short time. We have taken a step forward ”, he added, underlining that“ the credibility of our country is measured by respecting the commitments with NATO ”.
The compromise
The delicate tug-of-war within the government, with the grillini reiterating the “no” to the increase in military spending to 2% of GDP, was released with the compromise reached in the last few hours: the increase will be made, but will be postponed over time as specified by the Minister of Defense Guerini: now the deadline has been postponed to 2028. the vote of confidence, at this point, is taken for granted and the Draghi government goes on, even if to do so it had to yield to the requests of its pentastellata component.

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