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Ukrainian Counteroffensive Falls Short of Expectations: President Zelensky and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Acknowledge Setback

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Ukrainian Counteroffensive Falls Short of Expectations: President Zelensky and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Acknowledge Setback

Title: Ukrainian Counteroffensive Falls Short of Expectations, Acknowledges Zelensky and Milley

Subtitle: Russian Army’s Adaptation and Tactics Pose Challenges for Ukrainian Military, says RUSI Report

Date: July 1, 2023

The Ukrainian counteroffensive launched in June has fallen short of expectations, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley. While Ukrainian authorities claimed to have recaptured some territories, the progress was slower than anticipated.

During a speech in Kiev, Zelensky acknowledged the delay in the counteroffensive plans, stating that while it is possible to advance, each mile of progress comes at a cost of lives. The Ukrainian army is actively counterattacking in all directions, but the lack of artillery poses a challenge.

In Washington, D.C., Gen. Milley emphasized the difficulty of real warfare, stating that people on the front lines are being affected by high explosives and casualties are inevitable. He reiterated that the counteroffensive would be a long and bloody fight, urging no doubts about the challenging reality.

A report published by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) sheds light on the Russian military’s adaptation and tactics in the ongoing conflict. The Russian army changed its tactics by dividing military functions into specialized combat mission units, such as battle infantry, commandos, special forces, and disposable troops.

The Russian military has built complex obstacles and fortifications, including concrete reinforced trenches, command post bunkers, wire entanglements, anti-tank ditches, and minefields. Their armored forces employ thermal camouflage and various modifications to reduce detectability and minimize the risk of being targeted by anti-tank guided missiles.

The report highlights the challenges faced by the Ukrainian army, including the extensive and complex defensive projects, the shooting down of Ukrainian drones, and strong electronic warfare capabilities by the Russian military. The effectiveness of Russian artillery and air defense systems against rocket systems has also increased significantly.

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The RUSI report concludes that penetrating Russian defenses and bypassing fortifications on the front lines seems almost impossible.

Overall, the Ukrainian counteroffensive has encountered setbacks and challenges as the Russian army adapts and adjusts its tactics. The slow progress and difficult conditions on the battlefield demonstrate the complexities and human costs of a real war.

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