Home » War in Ukraine, Zelensky does not fear Wagner in Belarus: no threat

War in Ukraine, Zelensky does not fear Wagner in Belarus: no threat

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War in Ukraine, Zelensky does not fear Wagner in Belarus: no threat

No fear. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky does not believe that the transfer of Wagner men to Belarus is a danger to Ukraine because there are not many fighters. “I don’t think they are a threat from Belarus because I think it’s not a large contingent,” Zelensky said at a press conference. The Ukrainians, said the number one in Kiev, killed many Wagner mercenaries and that is why there were so few of them when they tried to march on Moscow led by leader Prigozhin. The situation on the border with Belarus remains “unchanged and under control”, the statements of the president, who excludes the possibility of a new offensive from the north, as happened at the beginning of the Russian invasion which triggered the beginning of the war: “After all we have a powerful modern army. These are facts, not words.”

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Meanwhile in Minsk, the Belarusian prosecutor’s office has decided to limit access to various Ukrainian websites, found guilty of “discrediting” President Alexander Lukashenko. Censored sites include glavred.info, hromadske.ua, news.online.ua, tribun.com.ua and spektr.press, all reported by the Prosecutor’s Office in a message posted on Telegram. The Ukrainian pages blocked in Belarus are accused of “spreading false information about the president” and of disseminating news of an “extremist nature, which incite citizens to oppose the Belarusian authorities, especially after the latest developments related to the rebellion of the Wagner Group in Russia”.

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