Home » WHAT A SUMMER, GUYS! Mine, yours, theirs

WHAT A SUMMER, GUYS! Mine, yours, theirs

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WHAT A SUMMER, GUYS!  Mine, yours, theirs

MONDOCANE-ECOMONDOCANE, first episode of the third series

On air Sunday 9.30pm, Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.00am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

Here we go again, this too is done and we are still here, me, you, the others, the good or bad world and, alas, above all that of cheaters. We are still here, all except Napolitano, known as King Giorgio, and of all of them certainly not the best nor the least worse. It is spoken of very badly in Mondocane, in spite of the army of coryphaes, celebrants, altar boys, pages, associates and connivers who have plagued the funeral rites, in spite of what man has done to the State and the people.

As for Italy, we continued to be deceived, commanded, punished, monitored, and, in part, to resist and counterattack, in some cases with formidable effectiveness (see what was done in Trento, pro tempore capital of the counteroffensive, despite of the problematic orsicidal and wolfish president and of the eavesdropping, spying and devastating mayor)

As for the hospitality offered to young migrants, clever or needy or, mostly, instigated and deluded, all easily maneuvered by those who wish harm to their land, as well as ours, and pass it off as welcoming potential castaways attracted by the NGO pull factor, we didn’t miss anything. Up to 2000 a day, including the mockery of Germany and France, whose gendarmes mock us from their closed borders.

It was a great summer of information, masks of media mercenaries pulled down from one end of the country to the other, from Palermo to Trento passing through Gambassi Terme. Yes, Gambassi Terme itself, an ancient corner of Italy, but very lively on the piece, of which I recount the human and political wonders.

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In Trento, the true capital of free information – AlterFestival and Festa di Visione TV and magazine, but also of the fight against one of the strains that the Great Reset wants to put on us, that of surveillance/subjugation for the purposes of dictatorship through data.

The system reacted like a snake stamped on its tail: spitting out the poison of disinformation and censorship. A chilling example is RAI in its black shirt cutting out the tongue of one – out of three – who dared to mention the avalanche of disasters caused by the experimental serum. Or the WWF, that nice thing founded by the royals of England for their own use and consumption, which, through one of its climate officials, barks in the media against the “deniers” who refuse to be fooled by those who, having exhausted the traditional frauds, he invents new ones to fool us once and for all.

In the world, having taken for granted the fake counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Nazis, thieves, serial killers and arms dealers, we have seen the self-styled “international community” (NATO + Bergoglio) look the other way, that of oil, when an Azerbaijani dictator, with ‘assist from the Turks and Israelis, he got it delivered. by a renegade Armenian prime minister sold to NATO, the thousand-year-old Armenian community of Nagorno Karabak. 100,000 refugees out of a population of 120,000 fleeing from a new genocide. It’s called ethnic cleansing, new Nakba. Kosovars yes, Armenians no. And Russia is watching.

All the NATO evil that comes to harm has taken a formidable spin in front of the wall raised on a sturdy base of pre-existing bricks: The BRICS, from five (Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil) to 11 and, soon, to 40., over half the world. Bye bye NATO. They may not be the Sun of the future, but they are a stumbling block as big as the planet against the globalist and unipolar march of a criminal and crypto-Nazi gang, which has been left to its own devices for too long

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Fellow spectators, with whom, in part, this summer, we met in the streets of the world and smiled at each other and took photos, there is a lot of other stuff in the episode. But, in closing, take a look at a formidable adventure that my 14-year-old nephew Milo and I experienced. You will want to experience it too, but you have to hold on tight!

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