Home » What are the odds for Trump to run for the presidency of the United States again?Sichuan fans can’t move anymore, the funder: I won’t give him a penny this year Provider Times Weekly

What are the odds for Trump to run for the presidency of the United States again?Sichuan fans can’t move anymore, the funder: I won’t give him a penny this year Provider Times Weekly

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What are the odds for Trump to run for the presidency of the United States again?Sichuan fans can’t move anymore, the funder: I won’t give him a penny this year Provider Times Weekly
What are the odds for Trump to run for the presidency of the United States again?Sichuan fans can’t move anymore, the benefactor: I won’t give him a penny this year

If Trump can’t help the Republican Party win power, then there’s no need for the latter to help Trump cover up his “Emperor’s New Clothes.”

On the evening of November 15, local time, former US President Trump held a press conference at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, officially announcing his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

Trump’s decision to run for election has been expected by most people, but now he has lost his past appeal.

Democrats managed to retain control of the Senate as the U.S. midterm elections draw to a close amid Republican disappointment. In contrast, among the 14 congressional candidates supported by Trump who chanted “America First”, only Morales of Indiana has been elected.

Of course Trump is not convinced. He has repeatedly sent similar content on social media since November 8: “There is vote fraud in Detroit! Protest!” “There is also Arizona! Protest!”

Tonight’s Capitol Hill is much quieter than it was on January 6, 2021. (Source: Social Media)

In Detroit during the 2020 presidential election two years ago, there were indeed dozens of Trump supporters (hereinafter referred to as “Trump fans”) screaming and banging on the glass outside the polling station at the Detroit Convention Center, chanting “vote fraud” . But to this day, there is no such phenomenon in Detroit.

In Maricopa County, Arizona, far-right pro-Trump groups took to social media early on, claiming to hold a protest in front of the counting building, including the notorious “Proud Boys” and “Oath to Guard ” and other organizations. They once gathered in front of the vote counting building with guns in 2020, and almost killed them. This year, the local police with lingering fears dispatched mounted police and helicopters on November 8, but it turned out that their preparations were redundant, and there were few dangerous protesters at all.

According to the Associated Press, the “democratic order” in the United States in the past few years seems to have returned overnight. Many local officials and police are ready to deal with chaos, but the bad weather on polling day is more serious than the intimidation of radical voters. very.

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appeal is questioned,“Sichuan fans” lost enthusiasm

Rodriguez, who is in charge of provisional ballot registration in the Reno, Nevada, area, just talked away two men who were trying to intimidate other voters. Rodriguez also expressed sympathy for the two men, despite the trouble he had caused with his work. “A lot of people are accusing them of being unpatriotic, but maybe they just didn’t do the right thing.”

Compared with the chaotic situation where tens of thousands of people flocked to the streets two years ago and thousands of people “captured” the U.S. Capitol, today’s Sichuan fans seem no longer willing to respond to Trump’s call.

The former Sichuan fans were a force that was feared by all walks of life in the United States. (Source: Social Media)

Not only Trump fans, but even Republicans, those donors who supported Trump in the past, are also moving away from him.

Trump’s former partner and former US Vice President Pence, who has personally experienced the Capitol Hill incident, said in a recent interview that “there will be better choices than Trump in the future.” Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, even said bluntly to the media, “Trump has defeated the Republican Party three times. According to baseball rules, this is considered out.”

The Republican Party blamed Trump for the defeat in the mid-term elections, because the latter had promised that it would trigger a “red wave” across the United States and give the Republican Party an overall victory. “We have too much of an advantage and we’re going to get tired of winning eventually,” Trump said at a rally.

For a long time, Trump has been the most influential presidential candidate in the Republican Party, but his distinctive personality has also made allies feel intimidated. Some Republicans choose to “submit” publicly, while more Republicans dare not Dare to speak. Until the appearance of DeSantis, these Republicans finally hoped for the dawn.

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Republican DeSantis, who just won the gubernatorial race in Florida, has emerged as a possible replacement for Trump. In Florida, which has been led by Democratic supporters all year round, he successfully re-elected the governor with an overwhelming advantage of 19%, and achieved extremely high prestige within the party.

Florida Governor DeSantis could replace Trump as the Republican nominee. (Source: Social Media)

DeSantis has surpassed Trump in his party’s approval rating after the midterm elections on Nov. 8. According to data from the polling agency YouGov, 41% of Republican respondents said they prefer DeSantis, and 39% of Republican respondents prefer Trump.

“If it was Trump running against DeSantis in Wisconsin, DeSantis would win,” said Scholz, a former Wisconsin Republican chairman.

At the same time, many donors who once supported Trump also chose to support DeSantis.

Sabin, a New York businessman who once donated $120,000 to Trump, said, “I will not give Trump a penny this year.” According to Florida campaign finance records, Sabin donated to DeSantis’ campaign foundation this year. $55,000,

Rose, the Miami Dolphins owner and real estate magnate who ranks No. 151 on the Forbes Global Rich List and is worth $11.6 billion, had a close personal relationship with Trump. He held a fundraiser for Trump at his home in 2019. But this year, Ross also said he preferred DeSantis and said he could support DeSantis for president. In fact, Ross donated $220,000 to DeSantis’ campaign foundation during this year’s midterm elections.

Griffin, the founder of the multinational hedge fund Citadel, donated more than $100 million in this year’s US midterm elections. He also recently said he was ready to support DeSantis if he ran for president.

Griffin has said in an interview with Politico that Trump has missed key areas and hoped the former president would not run again.

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“As an American, the idea of ​​Trump running again, with all his lies, and his efforts to destroy American democracy, is an absolute horror show. But I have to say, as an American who wants to see no one in the White House in 2024. Any Republican politician, his candidacy is probably a good thing,” said Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats.

After retaining control of the Senate in the mid-term elections, many American Democrats believe that Trump is completely incapable of fear. If the Republican Party continues to use Trump as the core to participate in the 2024 general election, then they will undoubtedly lose.

For today’s optimistic Democrats, is Trump really nothing to fear? (Source: Social Media)

“We all want Trump to run again,” McAuliffe, the former Virginia governor and Democratic National Committee chairman, also said in a recent interview.

Indeed, Trump never won a national majority.

During Trump’s tenure, the Republican Party lost its majority in the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, and he himself lost the general election in 2020 and left the White House. Even though his call on supporters to “fight against election fraud” eventually led to a vigorous Capitol Hill incident, it was in vain after all, and even tarnished the overall image of the Republican Party.

On January 6, 2021, U.S. lawmakers evaded attacks from Trump fans in the Capitol. (Source: Social Media)

The exit polls of the US mid-term elections also proved that Trump is “out of date”. Only 39% of voters said they were optimistic about Trump, while 58% of voters said they were not optimistic about him. In addition, a whopping 28 percent of voters said they voted Democrat simply because they hated Trump, compared with just 16 percent who said they voted Republican because they supported Trump.

Although Trump will not be easily defeated, there is no doubt that Trump is far less charismatic today than he was when he ran for president in 2016.

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