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Llaryora and Judge, also at odds over education proposals

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Llaryora and Judge, also at odds over education proposals

The proposals and priorities on education presented by the candidates for governor Martín Llaryora (Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba) and Luis Juez (Together for Change) were also well found. While the pro-government candidate bet on continuity in education policies, but at the same time promised more technological schools, scholarships and training; His adversary spoke of a curricular delay and a new look with greater participation from teachers.

What Martin Llaryora proposes

Both in the bases of the platform, and in the closing of the electoral campaign this Thursday, Llaryora kept his promises of more investment in infrastructure, with new provincial schools, support linked social programs, such as the Free Student Ticket (BEG), in addition to generate other plans, such as scholarships for flag-bearers and escorts that allow them educational continuity.

On this, he promised more robotics and programming for provincial schools, something that began to be dictated in municipal schools since his administration at the 6 de Julio Palace.

In this list of promises related to education, he also specified “to reach the construction of 100 PROA schools” for the next four years; in addition to transforming preschool and primary levels into “Piensa” schools “to deepen the work of innovation in teaching and enhance learning.”

Therefore, he assured that more training will be given to teachers.

He also listed the incorporation of robotics into school curricula, and adapting education according to the economic activity of each region “to facilitate the employment of students.” This also goes hand in hand with continuing not only with the study but with the first jobs for young people, through the First Step Program.

As a line of continuity with the current management, he proposed promoting a specific fund for the maintenance of school buildings with the intervention of municipal governments; and digitize the teaching process at all levels.

The mayor of Córdoba and candidate for governor, Martín Llaryora, in the Voz y Voto program. (Nicolas Bravo / The Voice)

Among its priorities is the creation of a scholarship program for flag-bearers and escorts of public and private schools in the province in order to accompany them with financial aid that allows them to enter tertiary and university studies.

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In the middle of the salary conflict for teachers last April, Llaryora proposed a recomposition in income, when the schools were still holding assemblies, in an attempt to mark the differences with the provincial administration. Already in 2020, when in the middle of the pandemic he applied a strong salary adjustment to the employees of the Municipality of Córdoba, he had winked at the teachers and municipal health workers, since he left them out of the reduction of the Labor journeys.

What Luis Judge proposes

For Judge, education in Córdoba must have a leap in quality that contributes to growth, with a greater participation of teachers.

“Córdoba has to change. Education in our province has to be a key to development and not an anchor to poverty. We propose that teachers be listened to, assisted and in a shared and committed way so that children and adolescents achieve more and better education. Along these lines, we are certain that if we promote education, we will begin to transform the province, ”he detailed among his main ideas.

Among the proposals, actions were described to improve the educational quality with harsh questions to the current management. “In Córdoba, only 56 out of 100 boys and girls who start first grade finish primary school in the expected time and with sufficient knowledge in language and mathematics. Almost half do not learn what they have to learn. In high school the results only get worse. Only 24 out of every 100 students from Córdoba who start finish on time and in good shape. And almost 50% end up being overage, ”she described.

Therefore, it proposed greater investment in education and compliance with provincial law so that 35% of its resources are allocated to education.

And on this he insisted on a greater role for teachers. “Let teachers and their institutions be the ones that contribute to the construction of the essential changes that are required to improve education in Córdoba. Following our preliminary ideas, we insist that the changes come from below, from the institutions that are the factories, the laboratories of true educational change”, he specified.

Together for Change closes campaign in Espacio Quality. (Facundo Luque / The Voice)

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He also described an intensive literacy plan that “prioritizes reading and writing.” For this, he proposed a provincial law that declares literacy as a priority policy in the entire provincial territory.

In addition to the operation of the Provincial Council of Educational Policies that would convene specialists and technicians; and extended conferences focused on priority knowledge. On this he detailed prioritizing and increasing the student’s time in school.

One of the few coincident points between Llaryora and Judge has to do with better remuneration for teachers. On this, the leader of the Civic Front proposed: “The priority will be to recover teacher salaries, improve training processes, guarantee coverage of the initial level, the construction of early childhood centers and the implementation of the extended day with personnel expenses. and infrastructure. educational innovation. An education for the 21st century, advance in the incorporation of themes, technologies and pedagogical and didactic practices”.

What other candidates propose

Federico Alesadri, candidate for governor of Creo in Córdoba, raised throughout his campaign a reduction of the political plant, and at the same time strengthen the provincial items destined for education.

“Teachers, health teams have been spared a lot of time and political charges have always been prioritized. The State can be reorganized to make it more effective, but at no time can it shrink. We have to have a State present more than ever, ”he maintained.

Aurelio García Elorrio, from Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba, agreed with other candidates in proposing to increase the education budget.

In addition to an updated educational plan, improve student mobility, school places and the academic offer. He also promoted Comprehensive Sexual Education without gender ideology.

Liliana Olivero, candidate for governor for the Left-Unity Front, harshly questioned the provincial educational policies, and aimed to “triple the budget to improve educational quality and generate equal opportunities.

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“Schiarettismo, with the minister (Walter) Grahovac at the head of the Education portfolio, has deepened the destruction of public education… We propose tripling the provincial and national education budget, suspending foreign debt payments and eliminating financing private education,” he said.

He also proposed the increase in salaries according to the food basket and the “prohibition of discounts and sanctions for the exercise of the legitimate right to strike and claim.”

Julia di Santi, candidate for governor of Nuevo MAS, also agreed to triple the education budget and increase teacher salaries to 500,000 pesos, along with the repeal of the statute reform and the increase in personnel with new interdisciplinary cabinets.

Roberto Eiben, from the Liberal Democratic Development Front, proposed a review and update of the system, with an educational reform. He also proposed increasing the budget for education and promoting technical and professional education.

The libertarian candidate spoke, in addition to “promoting digital education and the use of technologies in the classroom.

Agustín Spaccesi, a candidate for Libertad Avanza, spoke of “prioritizing teachers and salaries.” He also proposed income from contests and permanent training for teachers, in addition to legislation so that teacher claims are in the classroom “without losing school days.”

Among his proposals, he pointed to the compulsory nature of attendance for those who receive social plans.

Fernando Schüle, candidate for governor of the Humanist Party, proposed greater teacher training, revision of the programs of primary and secondary schools, and the inclusion of education in nonviolence from the initial level.

“We need the new generations to develop high-flying morals such as treating others as we want to be treated, that will give the foundation to a new non-violent and supportive society,” he said.

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