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Breathe properly – unconsciously and naturally

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Breathe properly – unconsciously and naturally

Proper breathing is an important part of a healthy life. Many people breathe unconsciously and shallowly, without realizing that conscious and correct breathing can have many positive effects on the body and mind. Studies show that conscious breathing not only improves oxygen intake, but also reduces stress, increases concentration and promotes general well-being.

Due to the worldwide outbreak of the corona virus, the topic of breathing has become even more important. Wearing mouth and nose protection masks leads to critical discussions, but also to new innovations in the areas of production techniques, material use, processing, sustainability, health, security of supply, wearing comfort, compatibility and certification of modern and effective mouth and nose protection. masks led. Not to mention the sensitization of the global population to the subject of respiratory masks as effective health protection. Even before the pandemic, mouth and nose masks were used to protect themselves and others, also as part of occupational safety measures. Research confirms that when you breathe, 10,000 to 20,000 liters of air flow through your lungs every day. The air we breathe naturally contains bacteria, viruses and the finest particles, which are distributed when we breathe out. This finding was also a decisive fact that led to the obligation to wear masks so that the aerosols contained are not simply transmitted in an uncontrolled manner. In Europe, mask manufacturers reacted to the new challenges. Numerous insights were gained and contributed to the development of new mouth-nose masks, which in particular improve portability and breathing resistance for good breathing of the wearer.

Conscious breathing technique strengthens health

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First of all, the connections must be understood that breathing through the nose contributes significantly to health. The air we breathe is full of bacteria, the finest particles and fours. It has been proven that when breathing through the nose, up to 75 percent of these particles are filtered out through the passage of the nose, mucous membrane and cilia. When breathing through the mouth, the unfiltered air ends up in the lungs. This bypasses an important defense system in our body and increases risks such as infections and inflammation. In addition, oral health suffers because more bacteria reach the oral cavity and at the same time leads to dryness and a lack of saliva in the oral cavity. The bacteria can also lead to tooth and gum disease.

Proper breathing ensures that sufficient oxygen reaches the body. Oxygen is essential for energy production and the functioning of cells in the body. When breathing is shallow and irregular, it can lead to insufficient oxygenation, resulting in fatigue, weakness, and other health problems. Deep breathing supports the detoxification of the body. When you exhale, carbon dioxide is released, a waste product of metabolism. Deep breathing ensures that more carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body. This will help cleanse the human body of toxins.

Deep breathing promotes relaxation of the body and reduces stress. Stressed people tend to breathe shallower and faster, which can lead to irregular breathing and carbon dioxide build-up in the body. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and calming and improving lung function. The lung capacity is used through deep breathing, strengthens the muscles of the diaphragm, which leads to better oxygen absorption and improved blood circulation in the lungs.

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Innovation mouth and nose mask

These findings and scientific research results continue to flow into the further development of innovative respiratory masks such as ffp2, ffp3 and also n95 at PPE Europe. The PPE-Germany GmbH group of companies is now one of the largest European mask manufacturers for high-quality FFP2 masks. Research results show that many mask wearers worldwide suffer from the higher breathing resistance when wearing masks, while at the same time breathing through the nose is more strenuous, which is why people switch to mouth breathing. For the challenges of breathing resistance and wearing comfort with mouth-nose masks, the PPE group of companies developed the premium FFP2 mask with a filter performance of more than 97 percent in addition to a flat design, elastic and soft ear loops and dimensional stability thanks to the special shape of the front. In addition to its own production lines such as Karla Air and Dodo Air, PPE also produces as an OEM from Berlin for customers worldwide who want to use the superior quality of PPE Germany and the “Made in Germany” seal for their own products. Thanks to automation, the PPE group of companies also produces products in Germany at world market prices.

FFP Masks: Protect, but make interactions more difficult

Face masks protect, but impair the legibility of emotions. It should not be underestimated that wearing a mask not only impairs speech intelligibility, but also makes emotional expressions more difficult. Especially when masks are part of everyday work and life, there are challenges in understanding and interacting with others. Studies show that emotions are recognized less accurately, which reduces trust or builds less trust. Gestures and facial expressions play an important role in conveying information, and when these are obscured by the mask, misunderstanding and disinterest arise. Until an answer to this challenge can be given with an effective, protective and design-compatible visible mouth-nose area, the answer is increased body language, gestures and verbal communication in order to interact socially.

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Even with lectures or presentations in larger rooms, it is more difficult to get the voice and communication across clearly with a mouth-nose mask. In addition to a clear and distinct pronunciation, it is advisable to use a microphone and speakers in front of larger groups to ensure that the words get through.

PPE Germany GmbH based in Berlin are specialists in respiratory protection made in Germany. PPE Germany is one of the major European mask producers for high-quality FFP2 masks and started production in 2020 to ensure that the population is supplied with protective equipment. PPE Germany protects the health of people who have to work and live in complicated air conditions, for example through viral contamination, hospital germ contamination, bacterial contamination, dust, fibers (e.g. from mineral wool), industrial exhaust gases, fine dust. All PPE Germany products are certified and are subject to the strictest test standards.

company contact
PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstrasse 63-115
13587 Berlin
+49 30 202366380

Press contact
PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstrasse 63-115
13587 Berlin
+49 30 202366380

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