Home » Jamboree ‘You Blame Workshop’… Female “Responsibility of Jeonbuk Province and Municipal Government” vs Ya “President Yoon should apologize” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Jamboree ‘You Blame Workshop’… Female “Responsibility of Jeonbuk Province and Municipal Government” vs Ya “President Yoon should apologize” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Jamboree ‘You Blame Workshop’…  Female “Responsibility of Jeonbuk Province and Municipal Government” vs Ya “President Yoon should apologize” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Kim Ki-hyun “The Jamboree Yoon government, which was almost ruined by Jeonbuk-do and the Democratic Party, took care of it”

Democratic, Jamboree crippled all-out offensive… President’s apology, Prime Minister’s resignation, demand for parliamentary investigation

[부안=뉴시스] Reporter Park Jin-hee = On the 4th, when the ‘2023 Saemangeum 25th World Scout Jamboree’ is being held, the camp site seen from the Jamboree Park in Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do is quiet due to scouts’ off-campus activities. 2023.08.04. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Correspondents Jung Yoon-ah, Lee Jong-hee, Shin Jae-hyeon, and Han Eun-jin = The ruling and opposition parties continued to fight for responsibility for the lameness of the ‘Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree’ on the 13th. The People’s Power claimed that Jeollabuk-do and the Moon Jae-in government were responsible for the lameness, and the Democratic Party demanded an apology from President Yoon Seok-yeol and the resignation of Prime Minister Han Deok-soo.

Regarding the insolvency of the Jamboree, People’s Power said, “The Jamboree, which was almost ruined by the politicians of the Democratic Party along with Jeollabuk-do, was managed by the Yoon Seok-yeol government with all-out efforts.”

Representative Kim Ki-hyun said on Facebook that day, “However, the Democratic Party is showing shamelessness by talking about ‘an accident caused by the government, national blood tax’.”

He said, “The drainage problem was pointed out in the first place, but it was Jeonbuk-do and Democratic Party politicians who insisted on hosting it in Saemangeum, which was not even reclaimed.” He pointed out that there was nothing properly done to prepare for the competition, such as infrastructure expansion and convenience facilities.”

Representative Kim said, “Former Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon is even more unsightly,” and pointed out, “Former representative Lee was prime minister for two years and five months, which is half of the preparation period for the competition. What did he do during that time?”

He continued, “A person called the former Prime Minister is thinly aiming for political gain and shifting responsibility when it is not enough to apologize a hundredfold in front of the people.” did.

CEO Kim asked back, “If you want to criticize, shouldn’t you at least have scolded the public officials who went on overseas business trips to the Ministry of Tourism for 99 times while spending a lot of money?”

Rep. Chung, secretary of the People’s Power of the National Assembly Gender Equality and Family Committee, held a press conference at the National Assembly this afternoon and said, “It is a public fraud in which Jeollabuk-do sold the Jamboree and secured the local budget.” said.

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Rep. Jeong said, “The Saemangeum Jamboree was wrong from the first button of site selection. ‘ as the venue for the Jamboree,” he pointed out.

He argued, “No matter how you look at it, strange things always have a plan. Jeollabuk-do’s plan is to attract the Saemangeum Jamboree as a pawn with a good excuse to cover the cost of Saemangeum development.”

“In fact, at the Jeonbuk provincial council in November 2017, provincial council members said, ‘We held the Jamboree to speed up the SOC’ and ‘The purpose of the Jamboree is to solve SOC projects such as airports’,” he said.

Rep. Chung said, “A month later, then Prime Minister Nak-yeon Lee, who was the chairman of the Saemangeum Committee, proposed a method of first reclamation of the site using farm funds and then turning it into a tourism and leisure district.” He pointed out that he went so far as to use expedients to change this place, which was a site for tourism and leisure, into agricultural land.”

He criticized, “The total project cost of the Jamboree was 117.1 billion won, but the land reclamation cost was 184.6 billion won.”

He also pointed out that “Jeollabuk-do doesn’t seem to be interested in the essence of successfully hosting the Jamboree,” and “just put all of its energy into raising the budget for the local SOC project faster and more using the Jamboree as an excuse.”

Rep. Jeong said, “It is pointed out that the budget that was dragged into the SOC project under the pretext of the Jamboree is approaching 11 trillion won.” It didn’t even start,” he criticized.

“Jamboree labels are attached to SOC projects ranging from hundreds of billions of won to trillions, such as 3.2 trillion won for the Saemangeum New Port, 1.9 trillion won for the Saemangeum-Jeonju highway, and 1.1 trillion won for the Saemangeum regional connection road.” He pointed out that most of these projects are still under construction or are scheduled to be built even now that the Jamboree has ended.

Rep. Jeong argued, “Isn’t this clear evidence that these projects have nothing to do with the Jamboree?”

In a commentary on the day, spokesperson Jeon Joo-hye said, “The Democratic Party is frantic about criticizing President Seok-yeol Yoon, perhaps because the Jamboree was not successful.” He spread the sophistry that it was recovered with blood tax.”

“The Moon Jae-in government and Jeonbuk-do did nothing for 5 years out of the 6 years of preparation for the Jamboree,” he said. “Only 20.5 billion won was invested in it,” he criticized.

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[부안=뉴시스] Reporter Park Jin-hee = On the 3rd, when the ‘2023 Saemangeum 25th World Scout Jamboree’ is being held, scouts are taking a break from the heatwave that continues every day at the World Scout Jamboree site in Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do. 2023.08.03. [email protected]

He also said, “Even this reclamation work started in 2020 and was finished only in December of last year, eight months before the Jamboree, and the foundation work started in November 2021, less than two years before the event.”

“The Moon Jae-in government and Jeonbuk-do should have expanded infrastructure such as reclamation and drainage facilities for the Games, and prepared amenities for participants,” said former spokesperson of the hospital.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party claimed that the current government was entirely responsible for the disruption of the Jamboree. At the same time, they urged an apology from President Seok-Yeol Yoon and the resignation of Prime Minister Han Deok-Soo.

Kim Seong-joo, senior vice chairman of the Democratic Party’s policy committee, held a press conference at the National Assembly this morning and said, “We demand an apology from the president, the resignation of the prime minister, and a government investigation for the collapse of the Jamboree.”

“First of all, the president needs to apologize,” said Senior Vice President Kim. he emphasized.

He said, “The Jamboree crippled event is a symbolic event that revealed all of President Yoon’s ‘three no’ state affairs management, namely incompetence, inaction, and irresponsibility.” pointed out.

In addition, “After the opening of the Jamboree, when the inexperienced management was on the cutting board, the President’s Office summoned the ‘former government’ without fail,” he said. Jeollabuk-do is the problem. However, it was during the Park Geun-hye administration in 2015 that Saemangeum was decided as the Jamboree venue after competing with Goseong, Gangwon-do.”

Senior Vice President Kim said, “Among the five members of the organizing committee, the Minister of Gender Equality and Family, the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, and the Minister of Public Administration and Security, who are in charge of working-level roles, participate.” ” he added.

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He said, “The Moon Jae-in administration cleaned up the infrastructure, such as reclamation and creation of the Saemangeum campsite,” and “The main task for the Yoon Seok-yeol administration was the preparation and safety checks necessary for the actual operation of the Games. one,” he asked.

Senior Vice Chairman Kim argued that Prime Minister Han, who oversaw government support, should take responsibility, and urged the ruling party to accept the parliamentary investigation.

In a commentary on the day, spokesman Kim Han-gyu pointed out, “The power of the people is insisting on the responsibility of the Jamboree Democratic Party every day.”

Spokesman Kim said, “In the parliamentary audit on October 25, 2022, the Democratic Party warned that the preparations for the competition were poor and demanded countermeasures, but Minister of Gender Equality and Family Kim Hyun-sook was confident that everything was ready.” I visited the site and said, ‘I presided over the government support committee and carefully took care of it,’ but is this still because of the Democratic Party and the former government?”

He said, “As British and American scouts pointed out various problems as they withdrew, the government hastily installed 262 air-conditioned buses and 69 shade tents, and increased the number of cleaning personnel from 70 to 1,400.” I didn’t do what I could, but is it because of the Democratic Party and the former government?”

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yun-deok, co-organizing chairman of the Jamboree, held a press conference at the Communication Hall of the National Assembly this afternoon and said, “I sincerely apologize for disappointing our people and the people of Jeollabuk-do.” I deeply apologize to the 3,000 Scouts and leaders.”

He explained, “As the battle for responsibility between the ruling and opposition parties over the Saemangeum Jamboree is taking place, numerous speculations and controversies are taking place.”

He continued, “It is impossible to properly identify the nature of this situation through an inspection attempt by a powerful institution to scapegoat weak front-line public officials in order to cover up their mistakes.” give,” he said.

He said, “As the Saemangeum Jamboree is over, we need to find out the right reasons for this situation through a quick government investigation.” We need to coolly reveal what kind of problems there were in the decision-making and operation between the government, Jeonbuk-do, and the organizing committee.”

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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