Home » One by one, all the bunkers of the PASO 2023: where the pre-candidates for the Presidency will receive the results

One by one, all the bunkers of the PASO 2023: where the pre-candidates for the Presidency will receive the results

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One by one, all the bunkers of the PASO 2023: where the pre-candidates for the Presidency will receive the results

Today, Sunday of election day, the presidential primaries . At night, the pre-candidates will meet in their bunkers where they will receive the results on August 13. The decision implied something more than the simple choice of a location: who organizes, how many people will accompany and what the photo at the end of the day will be like are just some of the variables that come into play. In a way, in those parties that have internal, It is the last instance that competitors have to measure who has more weight.

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Union for the Fatherland Election day will end in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Chacarita, in the C Art Media Complex. At least that’s how they confirmed it to Perfil collaborators of massismo. In the environment of the mMinister of Economy They said that it is planned to spend the afternoon in the new space that the ruling party inaugurated in Miter at 300, in Balvanera, and move after 6:00 p.m.

Complex C Art Media: one-sided unification

At Miter al 300, a six-story building near Pink House, the campaign team will have the computer center and will follow the development of election day. However, for the moment of celebration or regret they chose complex C. It is a multi-purpose cultural space where everything from fairs to parties are held and on more than one occasion it was the setting for Kirchnerism.

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With a capacity for 4,500 people, it is expected that complex C be filled with militancy and leaders. As happened in the last election, they also anticipate that as the night progresses, it is likely that militants from different districts will begin to arrive to accompany them.

The Golden Center of Parque Norte and who organizes the party

In tune with the tension they kept Rodriguez Larreta y Bullrich throughout the campaign, the choice of the bunker to receive the STEP results it also generated short circuits among the leaders. Despite the tensions, however, in the end they managed to reach an agreement and today will be at the Golden Center in Parque Norte.

Rodriguez Larreta He wanted from the first moment to share the bunker with his adversary and for the place to be Salguero Coast, the space where for years the Pro spends his electoral days. However, Bullrich He resisted. On both sides they agree that the leader’s request was to choose a more “austere” place.

al final, Rodriguez Larreta he twisted his arm. With a tone of exhaustion due to the constant annoyances with Bullrichthe collaborators of the head of the Buenos Aires Government explained: “We always wanted the shared bunker for the valuation of the unit photo. Bullrichism asked for a more austere place and ended up being Parque Norte, which is not so austere either and that it was even achieved by some management of larretismo. We focus on unity.”

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The version of the environment Bullrich about the last fight for the bunker has some nuances: “15 or 20 days ago people from larreta. They said that they had already rented Costa Salguero and asked us if we wanted to unify. But if you have already rented, it is as if you invited me to a party where everything is already decided and organized. We always wanted unity, but in an austere and calm place and where we can also be part of the organization”, explained relatives to the leader of the Pro.

With capacity for 1500 people, it is expected that in the North Park Golden Center there is more leadership than militancy. Those who follow the agenda of Bullrich they estimate that it will arrive at the last minute “because everyone says that we will only have the first results at midnight,” they say.

The Libertarian to the Liberator

Javier Miley chose the Hotel Libertador, in the neighborhood of San Nicolás, as the headquarters to await today’s results. The leader of La Libertad Avanza was the only one of the pre-candidates who closed his campaign with a unique act for thousands of people at the Movistar Arena. The event was held on Monday, August 7, and although his opponents from other parties do not agree on how many people attended (between 10,000 or 15,000, they say), they agree that it was a gem of the campaign.

After a time in which mercy He presented himself as the candidate who was going to sweep the polls, in recent weeks there was no one who did not predict that he had “deflated.”

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The United Left divided, union for Moreno and the only non-Buenos Aires bunker

Among the main presidential forces there is only one bunker that will not be in the Federal Capital. The space led by Juan Schiaretti y Florencio Randazzo, “We do for our country”, chose to wait for the results in Córdoba Capital. The bunker will be Hotel Quorumat Av. La Voz del Interior 7000.

He Left-Unit Front (FIT-U) failed to unite to decide bunker.Today, Myriam Bregman y Nicholas del Caño They will await the results at the Bolívar party headquarters at 1100, in San Telmo. They will be a few blocks away gabriel solano y Vilma Ripoll in the Torcuato Tasso, in Defense at 1500.

Problems persist with the Buenos Aires electronic voting system and they do not rule out extending voting hours

The leader of “Principles and values”former Secretary of Commerce Guillermo Moreno He will be in the Union of Workers of the Glass and Related Industry, in the Parque Chacabuco area. and the media Santiago Cuneo, which is presented with the “Labor Party”will be installed in Viamonte 1328, in the heart of Buenos Aires.

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