Home » Swimming: the complete sport for a toned and harmonious body

Swimming: the complete sport for a toned and harmonious body

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It is a discipline suitable for everyone and for all ages. The expert shows us, benefits, advantages and what are the best activities to do in the water

Sabrina Clerk

Successful discipline, known for its many benefits on health and physical and mental well-being. “Unlike other sports, such as running, not suitable for everyone for theirs biomechanical components that they can create microtrauma, swimming can be practiced by everyone, at any age – he explains Daniel Maiorano, FIN second level coach, coordinator of federal schools-. Thanks all’environment microgravity, the body it does not suffer any impact and the efforts are made without trauma and hitches ”.


“It mobilizes the whole body, sculpts harmoniously thanks to the physical properties of water, promotes muscle elasticity. In several swims at one time they work together all major body districts: arms, shoulders, abdominal muscles, legs. Thus to improve, beyond the conditional skills, endurance and cardio-circulatory performance, also coordination skills. The back, thanks to the constant orthostatic position, extended, held in the various swims is stressed without any trauma. The water pressure allows a draining effect very useful for the lymphatic system, panacea to counter cellulite and pads, it promotes venous return and relieves the feeling of “heavy legs” »which you often have after a day at your desk”.

The extra advice

“We want increase results? We aim on the intensity of our workouts: you can alternate with classic bodyweight swims, the use of supports such as fins for the reinforcement of the lower limbs and the paddles for the reinforcement of the upper limbs. If, on the other hand, you suffer from continuous lower back pain then just focus your training on back crawl, the back, which thanks to its movement mechanics is able to strengthen all the muscles of the posterior kinetic chain “.

Not just swimming in the pool

“There are those who get bored easily in the water and the idea of ​​spending 45 minutes in the lane scares them. For those who want less monotony, we offer alternatives. The benefits are always great. Here are some tips from the expert on what to do “.


“The version in the water spinning more and more current: safe, effective, it allows you to keep your distance in the pool. You train in a group for 45/55 minutes on a stationary bike, with the water at a variable height between 110 and 150 centimeters. You ride in time to music that dictates times and rhythms. Complete training in the saddle, ideal for slimming the whole body, strengthening the lower limbs, sculpting the upper part and the core, recommended in post-injury rehabilitation: this is why it is chosen by many athletes. The training ensures an effective cardiovascular commitment mixed with the toning of the lower limbs, engaged in pedaling. Rowing, pushing, closing with the arms in immersion or using the bike as a support they help to streamline and define all muscle groups “.

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“The one used for swimming and training is guaranteed. “It’s a simple one floating gear and it can serve both as a support for the execution of particular exercises and as a real tool. This is how abdominals, legs and buttocks are trained, while arms, pectorals and back are lengthened. All in sweetness, because in the water there is no risk of tearing or joint problems. As in any specialty, however, some small rules must be followed: correct posture and precision in the execution of the exercises and the certainty that water gives a dry body after just one month of constant training of at least two sessions a week “.

“By dancing you burn calories and lose weight. The steps are the same as in the Zumba, land activities followed and loved all over the world, mix di salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton adapt to the pool but slower because you collide with the force of the water. The movements are done in immersion up to the chest in order to control the body well: in this way all the main muscle groups are used. Dancing different rhythms during the lesson alternates phases of maximum effort with others of recovery. An interval training that forces the body to burn more calories to maintain the same optimal temperature than when training on the ground. The training effect improves the basal metabolism, which means that the body consumes localized deposits and more calories even at rest ”.

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