Home » The paralysis of the CNR, the minister Mass: “I will appoint the president this week”

The paralysis of the CNR, the minister Mass: “I will appoint the president this week”

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ROMA – The National Research Council, a public body, is unguided. The country’s leading science body, which travels narrow-gauge from the physicist’s office Massimo Inguscio and in the last year, spent “in prorogatio”, he certainly did not take the lead on Covid research, he has been at a standstill for two days. Inguscio, 71, wanted by Matteo Renzi in 2016, he is retired. The outgoing minister, Gaetano Manfredi, never wanted to choose among the authoritative names reported by the research committee, Search committee.

Professor resigned on the day of the government oath Patrizio Bianchi, designated to the role by the State-Regions Conference, but designated by Mario Draghi, in parallel, to the Ministry of Education. Bianchi became minister. A wheel, he left the lawyer Gabriele Fava, representing Confindustria, due to incompatibility with the role of member of the Presidency Council of the Court of Auditors. Professor Lucio D’Alessandro, indicated by the Rectors’ Conference, did not appear at the Board of Directors last Saturday, but remains in office. He is on the Board of Directors in office together with the internal member, Nicola Fantini. Two out of four councilors, no president: deeds cannot be signed.

The CNR is paralyzed and the Minister of University and Research, Cristina Messa, heard by Republic, assures us that this is the first question to be addressed: “I want to solve the problem this week, find a solution worthy of such an important body which, especially now, deserves great attention and can be of great use to the country”. We try to avoid the commissioner.

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The five qualified and ignored candidates

One of the issues that are intertwined with the presidency of the CNR is that the minister herself Mass, former vice president of the institution from 2011 to September 2015, then rector at the Bicocca University of Milan, was in the list of those chosen by the commission, fourth in a group of “highly qualified” which provided, in order: Andrea Lenzi, professor of endocrinology at Sapienza University of Rome and president of the Biosafety Committee of Palazzo Chigi (he had reported an evaluation of 100 points out of 100), Francesco Sette, physicist of matter and general manager of the European synchrotron research facility in Grenoble, then Vincenzo Barone, chemist, former director of the Normale di Pisa, e Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, full professor of Constitutional Law at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, vice president of the Cnr just expired. Cristina Messa was the favorite candidate, then came – for her too – the call from Draghi.

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by Carlo Bonini (editorial coordination and text), Michele Bocci, Giuliano Foschini, Fabio Tonacci and Corrado Zunino. Multimedia coordination by Laura Pertici. Graphics and videos by Gedi Visual

The Flc CGIL, with the research secretary Rosa Ruscitti, writes: “It is absolutely necessary that the Cnr be able to face, with an authoritative and fully legitimated summit, this particularly critical period, but also rich in new perspectives, in which the fundamental role of public research for the development of the country “.

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In a tweet, precarious public research workers wrote: “We are confident in the appointment of the new president of the CNR with the hope that the time will soon come to say: ‘So we went out to see the stars again'”. A letter to the minister on the subject, published on Change.org, has already exceeded two thousand signatures.

The National Research Council chaired by Massimo Inguscio has shown several problems in the management of its departments and research areas, in Montelibretti and Naples, for example.

Three other research institutes under extension

There are three other public bodies that are proceeding under regency and ordinary administration. One is theIngv, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, a central scientific body in a country with a high seismic risk. Hence, theArea Science Park of Trieste andInrim, the National Institute of Metrological Research.

The longform of Repubblica “The secrets of the vaccine” told how on the story of the Italian antidote Rheitera the Cnr had the role of first financier (3 million euros) to be then excluded from any type of scientific intervention, left to the Institute Spallanzani and, above all, to the private company Rheitera srl ​​based in Castel Romano, just outside the capital.


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