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Exercises for buttocks: the most effective for having them high and firm

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The most effective glute exercises to make them tall and firm in a month

The exercises for buttocks they are part of a precise workout, useful for shaping and toning the lower part of the body. In a nutshell we are talking about complete training plans, which however focus on one or more specific points, in order to improve them. As for the glutes, the goal is to make them tall and firm quickly.

If we have a certain regularity and we do not limit ourselves only to anaerobic activity, but also do some running or brisk walking, the results will be visible already after a month. But, needless to say, even there diet is crucial, because even if we don’t want to lose pounds, the right nutrition makes it easier to build muscle.

The right amount of proteins It is essential to have healthy muscles, but also healthy fats, such as those from nuts, should not be missing. Carbohydrates should not be demonized, as they give us the right energy to carry out our daily activities, even and especially sports ones.

After each work out It is important to always eat something, as this is where most of the muscle growth takes place. Whole grain bread or rice, sweet potatoes, fruit and vegetables, especially thick ones like bananas, paired with Greek yogurt or salmon, for protein and fat, are good solutions.

What is the most effective exercise for the buttocks?

We must say, there is no single exercise for the buttocks, also because the muscles of this area are made up of three different bands. We are talking about gluteus medius, gluteus maximus and gluteus small. Which means they will be needed different exercises to tone each of these areas.

In fact, if you focus only on one band, you run the risk of not having a harmonic shaped lower back, not defined as we would like. One problem that can indeed arise are i empty lateral buttocks, a condition that generally occurs when we train only the gluteus maximus, but we forget to exercise the rest. Pilates helps us a lot in this.

Not only that, the workout must also include exercises for the vastus lateral and in general for everything the quadriceps femoris, thus descending along the thigh. In general, lunges and squats, along with bridges, jumps and lateral leg raises, shouldn’t be missing from a glute training program.

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How to increase the volume of the buttocks

If we have set ourselves as a goal a more toned but also more evident B side, we must consider repeating the specific training circuit no less than 2 times per week. Plus, we always start with a ten-minute warm-up to limit the risk of injury. A small tip to improve the performance: the weight of the body should preferably be pushed on the heels instead of on the toes.

Regarding the tools, if we want to do our buttock exercises at home, we buy two dumbbells weighing 6 to 10 kilos, therefore moderately heavy. If we want, we can always increase the effort when we are used to it, taking dumbbells over 11Kg or more massive kettlebells. There will also be a fitness mat and step step.

The workouts should last about 30 minutes and it is important to rest for half a minute or a full 60 seconds between one glute exercise and another. As you can see, each of these is different, because you need to train the critical areas effectively, stimulating all the muscle groups.

After finishing the circuit, let’s sit on the mat to stretch and loosen the muscles.

Exercises for buttocks: how to do them

We have already written this, but we repeat it once again, never start the workout without having warmed up first. Many omit it from the plan of home workout for reasons of time. But instead ten minutes of running, stairs or brisk walking help to melt and limit the risk of accidents.

That said, let’s see what exercises we can put into the home training circuit. In a month we will have high and firm buttocks, as well as beautifully defined.

Single leg deadlift

Begin in a standing position, with the feet shoulder-width apart. After becoming familiar with this bodyweight exercise, you can then add a dumbbell in each hand at waist height, with the palms facing the body.

Keeping your back flat and straight, lean forward and slowly lower your hands towards the floor, keeping them close to your body. At the same time, lift your left leg behind you. Stop when the chest heel axis is parallel to the floor.

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Hold the position for a second, then return to your feet. Do 10-12 repetitions, alternating legs.

Sumo squat

Begin in a standing position with feet apart shoulder width apart and toes pointing forward at a 45 degree angle. Come down into a squat, bending your hips and knees as if you were sitting down. Keep your chest up and your knees out.

Keep lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, or even slightly below parallel if you can. Then get back up to the starting position. Make sure you don’t lift your feet off the ground or arch your lower back as you perform the sumo squat.

Do 10-12 repetitions.

Knee opening to the wall

Stand with your back against the wall, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Your back is parallel to the wall, so come down and bring your legs to a right angle, with your knees pointing forward. From here, keeping your legs together, raise your arms above your head, then slowly lower them in front of you to chest height, while simultaneously pushing your knees outward and to the sides.

The feet remain still, only the knees and arms move. Go on for 10-12 reps.

Traditional lunges

Step your right leg forward and lower your body so that the right knee comes as close to the floor as possible, while the left is up and forms a 45 ° angle. To do this, squeeze your glute muscles and push them up as you lunge onto your right leg, lifting your left knee towards your chest.

Return to position, then place your left leg on the ground in front of you and repeat the exercise on the opposite side. For a more intense workout, add weights. Do 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Pilometric squat with 180 degree jump

Begin in a standing position, with the feet slightly wider than the shoulders. If you want to add weight, grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it in front of your chest. If not, keep your hands folded at breast height. Pushing your knees outward, lower yourself down like in a squat. Contract your glute muscles and push on your heels to jump and rotate 180 degrees in the air. Land with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and do 10-12 reps.

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Read also the special on the pistol squat, very effective for firming the lower back.

Lunge with dumbbells

The exercise is the same as in traditional lunges, only in this case we will use dumbbells to give more sprint. Start with feet together, then bring your right leg forward and your left knee almost touching the floor. At the same time, the arms that were previously in the chest are extended.

Go back up and repeat the exercise with the other leg and alternate for 10-12 repetitions.

Lateral lunge

This exercise is very useful in countering the famous problem of empty lateral buttocks, because it refines and tones this part. Stand with your feet together and bring your right leg to the side in a sweeping motion. The back remains straight and flat, the shoulders raised and the left leg extended, then bend the right knee and lower the butt towards the ground.

Using your glutes, push on the heel to return to the starting position. Repeat with the left leg and add weights if you want to increase the effort. Keep alternating 10 to 12 repetitions per side.

Alternating swing

With your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, in a straight position, hold a dumbbell or better a kettlebell in your right hand, palms facing your body. Bend your knees slightly and push your butt back, swinging your weight between your legs behind you, going down to your knees. Use your glute and leg muscles to push your hips forward and back to your feet, while simultaneously swinging the weight up to shoulder height.

Raise your left hand to grab the weight. Keep swinging for 10-12 repetitions with each hand.

Alternate step with dumbbells

Stand on an exercise step with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keeping your arms straight forward the entire time, step sideways onto the step and bring the opposite foot to the ground. Keep alternating as fast as possible for 30 seconds.

On video the version of the classic side steps, but not alternating. Read this in-depth article on step up, for toned and firm buttocks.

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