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negative calorie foods useful in the diet

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negative calorie foods useful in the diet

Losing weight by eating is possible and can be done thanks to specific foods that are zero calories, i.e. the body uses many calories to assimilate them.

Eat healthy (Unspalsh)


One of the most popular food fads that has caught everyone’s attention in recent times is the notion of foods a calorie negative. According to this theory, it is possible to consume all the foods you want without gaining weight, because digesting these foods takes more calories than they contain. As a result, the addition of calories is canceled.

The affected foods therefore do not contain zero calories, but only that the body ends up burning more calories than it assimilates. Negative calories come from nutritious foods and low calorie. They are great to add to your diet if you want to lose weight. Negative calorie foods can be defined as foods that are high in fiber or those that have a low glycemic index.

Zero calorie foods: what they are

celery diet
Sedano (Pexels)

1. Celery

Celery is the most low-calorie food of all. It just contains 18 calorie per 100 grams, and therefore is a valuable ally of the diet. It is rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. Celery thanks to its characteristics helps the body and is also that food that can also be used safely as a snack to break hunger.

2. Cauliflower

Contains 25 calorie per 100 grams and is a cruciferous vegetable naturally rich in fiber and B vitamins. Provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. In addition, it contains: fibers that promote weight loss and digestion; choline which is essential for learning and memory. To benefit from its nutrients and zero calories, it is best to cook it steamed or boiled.

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3. Ceriol

The cucumber contains only 12 calorie for 100 grams. Cucumbers are rich in minerals, vitamins and electrolytes and are extremely moisturizing. It is the typical summer vegetable perfect for keeping fresh and hydrated, in fact it helps to maintain the body’s water balance on hot days.

4. Salads

Salads such as rocket, iceberg or romaine lettuce and watercress contain very few calories, from 10 to 20 for about 100 grams. This type of vegetable also contains a lot of water, fiber and vitamins A and K, folate and mineral salts such as potassium and calcium.

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