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Risaralda among the first with psychiatric disorders

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Risaralda among the first with psychiatric disorders

The department ranks third in Colombia with the highest tendency to suffer from mental disorders.

Depression can be described as the fact of feeling sad, melancholic, unhappy, down or collapsed with an intensity that the person cannot control, that interferes with the development of activities of daily living and for periods of time that are out of control. a normal range.

The respected doctor Uriel Escobar Barrios, an eminence in the region, a specialist in Psychiatry and Health Systems Management, accompanied El Diario during the search to understand that anyone can suffer from this disease.

What is meant by depression?
Depression is one of the most frequent mental disorders suffered by people worldwide. It is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a multidimensional condition that is characterized by the presence of symptoms such as sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt, lack of self-esteem, sleep or appetite disorders, feelings of tiredness and lack of concentration”

Dr. Uriel details:
“It is a disorder that affects people and it is considered at this time worldwide that 5% of the population is affected, in addition, the studies carried out by the WHO consider that there are 280 million people with depression in the world” .

Why can it happen?
From the pharmacological point of view, the disorder has genetic components that affect the person’s life cycle and personality structures, which become factors that predispose to the occurrence of the crisis.
There is also Endogenous Depression, which is when there is no external factor, apparently, but the person requires pharmacological and psychological treatment for both himself and the family.

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Risaralda is no stranger
Psychiatrist Escobar reports that many studies have been carried out at the national level, where it is considered that the department and the coffee region are occupying the first places in what has to do with depressive disorders and suicide.

For what is this?
“There are a series of genetic characteristics that have an important influence, it was identified thanks to studies carried out, that people who have an origin in the greater Antioquia, bring a higher prevalence of mood disorders, including depression and bipolarity, without forgetting to name the culture and the type of music that is listened to”.

There are some drugs known as antidepressants, and currently there is a large number of new molecules that do not produce as many side effects, so it is understood that depression is a treatable disorder.

voice of hope
When depression is identified, it is perfectly treatable, the person comes out of it, and it can also be prevented to avoid entering more severe states. When it is not treated adequately, it can generate behaviors such as melancholy, thoughts of suicide, or completed suicide.

High index
Bibiana Restrepo, Mental Health Coordinator of the Pereira Health Secretariat, reports that the municipality of Pereira conducted a household mental health survey in 2018 and the results show that 28% of those interviewed have presented symptoms related to eating disorders. anxiety and depression, which means that a significant percentage of those surveyed expressed anguish and worry.

If we add to this the consequences of the COVID pandemic on mental health, it is likely that this figure has increased. The most affected population are adults between 30 and 39 years old, without unaware that currently all age groups (life cycles) are presenting associated symptoms.

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Regarding the departments with the lowest DALY (Loss of Healthy Life Years) burden due to mental disorders, this finding could correspond to the low access and use of mental health services in those places.

National Institute of Health, Report November 2022

At the departmental level: Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío, Santander and Valle del Cauca remain over time with the highest values ​​of AVISA (Loss of Years of Healthy Life) per 100,000 inhabitants.

The specialists recommend

1. Recognize that when the individual has the symptoms mentioned, it is best to consult a professional. The health system has specialists trained to deal with depressive disorders.
2. Do not be afraid of going to them, people because of myths and prejudices such as that going to the psychiatrist and psychologist is “being crazy.” These specialists have the skills and expertise to help people when they are in a depressive trance.

depression in children

It has very different characteristics, they do not have the ability to verbalize, which compromises the process, so parents must be very careful with the minor’s behavior. They may have changes in their behavior, lower their academic performance and if they are a very young child they may present loss of sphincter control, isolate themselves, bite their nails, express fears and fears.

It can help

Convince the person, it can be through the material and brochures that currently exist, excellent documents, which explain what the symptoms of a depressive type are. When this person does not want to consult, it is due to the stigmas related not only to depression, but also to mental disorders.

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“Consulting is the best alternative when we detect that a relative is presenting symptoms, which according to the WHO is the leading cause of disease worldwide”

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