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it also fights cholesterol and diabetes

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it also fights cholesterol and diabetes

A spice well known is a real panacea for our health: it is an excellent antibiotic e anti-inflammatory natural, great for fighting cholesterol e diabetes (lower the high blood sugar), favors the digestion e accelerate il metabolismhelp to burn i grassi quickly ea deflate the bellyis a food diuretic and even slimmingally for whoever wants lose weight.

Il black peppernot surprisingly, is defined as “the king of spices“.

What is black pepper, an extraordinary natural anti-inflammatory

Il pepe neroscientifically known as Piper blackbelonging to the family of Piperacee, is native to the tropical rain forest of southern India, precisely Kerala, from where it has spread to the rest of the world. It is a climbing shrub plant with oval or orbicular leaves and small flowers that grow on long spikes, exceeding 10 cm. Each of these spikes can contain up to forty fruits, small green berries that can turn red-brown when ripe, with a thin pericarp. Each of these fruits contains, in turn, a seed, the typical rounded grain of pepper, small, compact, hard on the outside and floury in the centre.

Black pepper is generated from the still green unripe drupe of the pepper plant. Tradition has it that after being harvested, it is cooked in boiling water to clean it and then dry, exposing the drupes to the sun for several days during which the pepper shrinks and darkens from green to black and wrinkled on the surface.

Pepper in history

Dioscorides and Galen recognized multiple properties of pepper, considering it diuretic, appetite stimulant, digestive, pain reliever. The popular belief that attributed aphrodisiac virtues to pepper was quite different. Ovid suggested to those who were sexually debilitated “stinging nettle pepper, mix the seeds” (mix the pepper with the seeds of the irritating nettle).

The expensive spice was a rare commodity with which vassals paid tribute or ransom. The first to receive this type of compensation was Alaric, king of the Visigoths who, in order to renounce the conquest of Rome, obtained 3,000 pounds of pepper and 5,000 pounds of gold, as well as other goods and territories. It was precisely the constant demand for pepper that drove merchants and adventurers to take even the most dangerous routes. At the end of the Middle Ages, almost all the pepper trade in Europe passed through Venice and cargoes embarked in Middle Eastern ports were auctioned off at the Rialto by special state-appointed officials, called “pepper messengers”. In the fifteenth century, with the discovery of the “Via delle Spice” by Henry the Navigator, the market moved to Lisbon, thus guaranteeing a huge income for the Portuguese.

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Ally against cholesterol and diabetes: the properties of black pepper

Thanks to piperinean alkaloid that gives pepper its distinctive flavor, black pepper promotes digestion and the metabolismthe production of gastric juices, the absorption of selenium, B vitamins, carotene and other nutrients from food.

prevents the training Of intestinal gaspromotes thermogenesis, i.e. the production of heat in the body, allowing burn more calories; stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain, acting as an excellent natural antidepressant, prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia, counteracts the harmful effects of free radicals, representing an excellent aid in the fight against tumors. Expectorant, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, slimmingblack pepper allows the expulsion of mucus and phlegm, counteracts cough and cold, counteracts bacterial proliferation especially in the intestinal tract, and helps weight lossas part of a healthy lifestyle.

Like all other spices, the black pepper it’s a great condiment to fall back on if you suffer from cholesterol e you diabetes: flavoring a dish thanks to the sapidity and tastiness of spices makes it possible to reduce the use of fat in the kitchen.

Furthermore, black pepper contains capsaicin: according to research conducted in Jamaica, this substance could be used in the treatment of diabetesas it seems capable of lower the levels of sugar In the blood.

The benefits and slimming properties of piperine

The piperine is a vegetable substance, scientifically called alkaloid, contained in the very common black pepper (Piper black), mainly present in the most superficial layer, and is responsible, together with the cavacinaof the typical pungent, bitter and spicy flavor of the spice.

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Piperine is especially used to treat digestive system disorders, such as diarrhea, constipation, digestive difficulties. Furthermore, it has a diuretic and antiphlogistic, tonic and antioxidant action and above all piperine has properties slimming.

From the molecular point of view, the slimming activity of the alkaloid has not been fully demonstrated, this because there are still no statistically significant data that can confirm this property. At the same time, however, from a theoretical point of view, there are various studies that support this theory. Among them, one published in 2012 highlighted how piperine can act on the genes responsible for the formation of fat cells, interfering with their activity. This would promote the reduction of fat levels in the circulation and hinder the birth and growth of new adipocytes.

Piperine having thermogenic properties, it helps a lose weight as stimulates il metabolism basal and favors the oxidation of fats. As previously mentioned, piperine has digestive properties that interact on physical fitness, in fact it promotes the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, stimulating the digestive process starting from the first bites: a functioning digestion represents one of the main steps in order to obtain results best in terms of loss Of weight e you grasso in excess.

Finally, piperine also facilitates intestinal transit, avoiding annoying constipation and also facilitating the absorption of some fundamental nutrients present in food.

Pepper, benefits and contraindications: the opinion of the experts

According to the experts of theHumanitas Research Hospitalhighly specialized hospital, research center and university teaching center,

pepper contains many minerals among which potassium, calcium and phosphorus stand out. The vitamin C content is also good piperine contained in it, or the substance responsible for the spicy taste, stimulates the production of saliva and the secretion of gastric juices, which in turn stimulate the digestion. Pepper also has properties diuretics e antiseptics, increases the sense of satiety and for this reason it is useful in controlling body weight. Is finally able to increase nutrient absorption contained in foods (as well as drugs).
Its use is not recommended in subjects suffering from ulcers and gastritis or other gastrointestinal disorders (Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis)“.
There are no conditions known to date in which the consumption of pepper could interfere with drugs or other substances. However, it would seem that pepper has the ability to increase the duration of permanence of some drugs in the body: it is therefore advisable to always ask your doctor for advice“.

Furthermore, Humanitas experts point out that

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black, green and white pepper mostly share the same nutritional characteristics. One hundred grams of black pepper powder develops 296 calorie and contain approximately:

  • 11 g of water
  • 10 g in protein
  • 2 g in lipidi
  • 68 g of carbohydrates
  • 26g of fiber
  • 265 mg of calcium
  • 14 mg of iron
  • 90 mg of magnesium
  • 176 mg of phosphorus
  • 73 mg of potassium
  • 5 mg of sodium
  • 1.13 mg of zinc
  • 21 mg of vitamin C
  • 0.02 mg of Thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • 0.12 mg of Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • 0.21 mg Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP)
  • 0.10 mg of vitamin B6
  • 10 µg of vitamin B9 or folic acid“.

How to use and store black pepper

The best way to use pepper is to have it whole and grind it as needed. The French add whole grains to brine and their bouquet garni. Indians use it in garam masala and many other preparations. In the Middle East it is used in the Baharat spice mix.

Like many other spices, black pepper keeps well in a cool, dark place. Contrary to popular belief, pepper mills are not the ideal container for storing it for a long time. When you grind spices, they release their essential oils, which can turn rancid in the heat and give a bad taste even to the grains that have not yet been ground. Better to add whole grains a little at a time, only when needed.

Please note that the information on this page is of a general nature and for informational purposes and in no case replaces the opinion of the doctorthe first reference point to turn to for information, clarifications, and to rely on for advice or exams.

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