Home » Shortness of breath with long-Covid? Three simple breathing exercises will help

Shortness of breath with long-Covid? Three simple breathing exercises will help

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Shortness of breath with long-Covid?  Three simple breathing exercises will help

Shortness of breath months after a corona infection can have many causes. One of them is that the diaphragm could have gotten out of exercise due to the Covid 19 disease, reports “Apotheken Umschau” (edition B 4/23). Apparently, the disease has caused some patients to get used to shallow chest breathing, which promotes breathing problems.

Three exercises that help with shortness of breath after corona infection

But that can easily be changed with three simple exercises. They train the diaphragm, calm the breath and thus alleviate shortness of breath. It is best to do this several times a day in peace and quiet:

1. The pursed lip

It helps when you are short of breath. To do this, breathe in through your nose and then slowly out through your mouth – against the slight resistance of your lips lying loosely on top of each other. Exhaling should be longer than inhaling.

2. The coach seat

While sitting, support your thighs with both forearms and lean forward. The muscles in the arms and hands are relaxed. Extend your back as long as possible to expand your chest. Here, too, exhale longer than inhale and like to use pursed lips.

3. The diaphragm training

This can be done either sitting or lying on your back with your feet up. Inhale forcefully through your nose, inflating your abdomen, then exhale through your nose, flattening your abdomen. Feel the swelling and flattening with your hands on your stomach.

These are the most common long Covid symptoms

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, around ten percent of all people infected with corona suffer from long-Covid after infection. Even people who have had no symptoms or only a mild course can suffer from it. A study recently published inNature“-Magazine has been published shows that 90 percent of all long-Covid-affected have only gone through a mild course of Covid-19.

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Long-Covid occurs in all age groups but is most common in people between the ages of 36 and 50. Factors such as previous illnesses, a lower socio-economic status and the lack of an opportunity to recover are considered risk factors for long-Covid.

The most common symptoms include:

  • tiredness and exhaustion
  • Headache
  • difficulty breathing
  • Disorders of smell and taste
  • cognitive impairments such as brain fog, impaired concentration and memory
  • depressive moods

But heart problems, kidney and metabolic disorders can also occur as a result of an infection. The list of possible symptoms is long: in various studies, those affected have given up to 200 different symptoms for Long-Covid.

Frequency of each Long Covid symptom

In the “Nature“-Study, specific numbers are given with reference to various studies: Twelve weeks after the infection, they were still suffering

  • 32 percent of tiredness,
  • 22 percent under cognitive impairment
  • 20 to 40 percent of long-Covid patients still complained of shortness of breath and coughing at least seven months after infection.

It is estimated that around half of long-COVID patients meet criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CF). Cardiac MRI examinations also showed that 78 percent of corona patients and 58 percent of long-Covid patients had heart failure.

An examination of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and spleen in over 500 people previously infected with corona showed that 59 percent had single organ damage, and 27 percent had multiple organs affected. “The organ damage suffered by patients with Long-Covid appears to be permanent,” the researchers comment.

Mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, on the other hand, normalized over time. This was the result of a study with more than 1.3 million formerly corona infected people. In the case of cognitive impairment (brain fog), seizures, dementia, psychosis and other neurocognitive disorders, the increased risk lasted for at least two years.

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Vaccination reduces long-Covid risk

A recent meta-study with data from over 850,000 patients recently published in the journal “Jama Internal Medicine” was published shows that a corona vaccination consisting of two doses reduces the risk of long-Covid

The following factors were identified as risk factors in this study:

  • overweight
  • Smoking
  • Pre-existing conditions such as asthma, diabetes and depression

Women over 40 and people who have had to be hospitalized for Covid-19 are also at increased risk. What exactly leads to Long-Covid is still unclear. Researchers are assuming inflammatory processes and a misguided immune response in the body. There is still no cure for it.

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