Home » Television, it’s a health risk but you always ignore it: science confirms it

Television, it’s a health risk but you always ignore it: science confirms it

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Television, it’s a health risk but you always ignore it: science confirms it

Television is a health risk but we all ignore the evidence. Here’s what science says about alarming.

Television, that’s why it is risky for health – Nanopress.it

Watch out for the TVif you are not careful the risks to your health increase significantly. Read carefully and find out what science says.

Television and health problems, because there is this dangerous correlation

Television has monopolized the world. There isn’t a house that doesn’t have one or more televisions. Super technological, of the latest generation and now so modern as to be almost scary, giving up them is practically impossible.

Television, the indispensable object in a home – Nanopress.it

Perfect for keeping us company when we are alone, excellent companions before falling asleep or very useful for relaxing the mind after a tiring day, televisions continue to play an important role in our lives.

Yet, we all underestimate one important aspect. How long the TV can be very useful, however, it is at the same time harmful to our health.

That correlation exists between television and health problems? Talking is science. What does it tell us? Rather alarmingly, it suggests that we pay particular attention because everyone, big and small, we ignore problems that could cost us dearly.

Curious to discover why you shouldn’t spend so much time in front of the TV? The reasons we are about to highlight will immediately make you understand why.

Television, when technology becomes a health risk

Impossible to do without the TV. Present in all homes, at least one in every room, this electronic device is very useful for keeping us company when we are alone or even simply for distracting the mind after a busy day.

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Television in the house – Nanopress.it

Do you think you can’t live without television? If the answer to this question is yes, read on because today you will gain an important awareness: not only is being without the television possible but it is even recommended to protect your health.

What do we mean by this statement? Just what you understood well: the television involves a considerable risk for our body, unleashing a whole series of consequences that are difficult to manage and in some cases problematic to solve. Let’s analyze everyone the pros and cons of this technological “box”. to give up seems impossible.

In the list of pros we definitely add the possibility of acculturating through the television. Compared to a few years ago, today thanks also to the various streaming platforms such as Netflix to name one, it is possible enrich your knowledge base thanks to channels dedicated to documentaries on man, nature and the technology.

Another point in favor of television: it it gives us the opportunity to clear the mind after a long, tiring and chaotic day. What could be nicer than coming home and letting yourself go on the sofa, with a glass of wine in your hands and your favorite show on TV?

Let us not forget that the TV is a natural sleeping pill: a relaxed mind that watches television will be induced to sleep more easily than a brain that keeps itself busy with chatter and thoughts.

Disadvantages of television

We come to the sore point. If it is true that television has many positive sides, it is equally true to say that there are also negative ones. You know there is one close correlation between television and health problems? Be careful not to underestimate these conditions, they could harm your body.

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Some scientific studies have shown that it exists a link between television and the onset of pathologies quite series like cardiovascular, neoplastic and metabolic diseases.

Spending hours and hours in front of the television is certainly not good for you. Staying glued in front of the screen, on our comfortable armchair, does nothing but lead us to sedentary lifestylea condition that in the long run ends up harming our health.

Sedentary lifestyle, serious health risk – Nanopress.it

A research published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicinehas shown that the sedentary lifestyle deriving from the days spent in front of the television is among the main ones responsible for the deaths of young and old.

The data is quite alarming: watching television more than 3 hours a day leads to a risk of death equal to 15% several times greater than those who do not watch television or watch it very little.

If the time spent in front of the television exceeds instead 7 orethe real risk of dying even increases by 47%. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of deaths. The absence of physical activity it involves a slow deterioration of our organism and its vital functions.

Another factor not to be underestimated: obesity. Well yes, spending a lot of time in front of the TV swallowing junk food without moving or doing physical activity to get rid of what we ate, makes us gain weight.

The risks associated with obesity are unfortunately known: respiratory problems, heart problems, metabolic diseases, walking difficulties. This is why you shouldn’t underestimate the inconveniences deriving from an unaware or incorrect use of the TV.

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