Home » Appointments, Conte piazza Bonafede at the Csm. The distracted Schlein got screwed

Appointments, Conte piazza Bonafede at the Csm. The distracted Schlein got screwed

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Appointments, Conte piazza Bonafede at the Csm.  The distracted Schlein got screwed

Appointments, Conte cheats Elly Schlein and places the former Minister of Justice Bonafede in Csm

The slime she got screwed like shit by that old bastard from Joseph Conte who managed to get the former Minister of Justice appointed Alfonso Bonafede to the Presidency Council of Tax Justice, repaying the debt of gratitude when the former student brought him – out of nowhere – to the top of Five stars. The crime took place in Montecitorio where the lay members of the so-called special magistracies were elected, as is the case for the lay members, i.e. politicians, of the CSM.

Indeed while the slime was trying to figure something out, the Third Pole eh Five stars they screwed it over big time and agreed with the majority. Schlein “she didn’t see them coming”, so to speak, to paraphrase her. As soon as she learned that she had been duped, Schlein became furious and she scolded everyone, especially the new and unknown kids: Igor Taruffi, Marta Bonafoni e Marco Furfaro who she herself had placed at the top of the organization.

Everyone at the Nazarene is angry with the internal machine and not just the enemies, even those who have supported it as Nicola Zingaretti e Dario Franceschini they shoot at zero point. “We’re going to crash with Elly after the Europeans,” he would have confided Zingaretti and also Franceschini no joke: “Con Furfaro e Corrado 30% at the European Championships we see with binoculars”. The fact is that Schlein seems to have inherited a Lamborghini of which she is completely unaware of even starting it, let alone the rest.

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He experiments, engages the wrong gears, gets confused, disheveled, perhaps has panic attacks, calls his trusted color matcher but she’s already at the tropical sea with the money he gave her. She doesn’t know who to turn to to make the complex organizational machine work Nazarene.

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