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Bologna 30km/h, the city stops everything to hear birds or to raise money?

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Bologna 30km/h, the city stops everything to hear birds or to raise money?

Bologna at 30 km/h, when Affaritaliani.it was already talking about “trentisation” eight years ago…

Let’s start with the Minister of Transport Matteo Salvini: “Forcing an entire city to stop at 30 mph risks being harmful to everyone, starting with those who work, without proportional benefits in terms of safety and reduction of emissions.” A new case of administrative stupidity shakes and hits Italy No everything. The mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore has “trented” the city by placing an absurd limit on the speed of vehicles: 30 km/h, a limit which is practically impossible for cars to respect.

The writer coined a suggestive term eight years ago to describe the new craze that pervades not only Bologna but Italy and Europe: “Trentization” which does not mean imposing the Alto Adige model but having this absurd speed limit. I talked about it here last summer. The original article, however, dates back to 2016 and concerned Appendino (Turin) and Raggi (Rome).

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In 2021 the award-winning factory Bruxelles had given birth to a parliamentary resolution to strengthen the insane mania of mayors in search of media visibility but so far no one had reached the levels of the mayor of Bologna Lepore who extended the ban to the entire city. The reasons for the decision are of course ecological indeed, more than ecological. There would be less pollution (but it’s not true because of the low speed the emissions increase) and above all, listen, listen, it would be covered “the singing of birds” (sic, copyright Lepore ndr).

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A French study by Ceremathe main French public agency for urban planning, establishes for example that the CO2 it has a minimum speed of 60 km/k, exactly double the Bolognese norm. Below 30 then pollution reaches its maximum.

The city rebelled but the mayor, instead of taking note of the stupidity that was done, goes ahead and gloats about his fifteen minutes of popularity, claiming that fake news was said, a magic word in vogue now to try to save his backside.

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This nefarious rule that infests many Italian but also European cities is suspected of not only being ideological – that is, part of the global crusade of the left against technological progress – but also much more banally of having been drawn up only to raise cash by extracting further money from citizens with many. Naturally Lepore he was quick to say that no, for goodness sake it’s not true, the fines are only foreseen for six very specific streets in Bologna and not for all. Meanwhile, the first person has already been fined for going at 39 km/h.

If the need for safety – which of course is always paramount. – if it were the true North Star of the measure then one should know that there are – for example on motorways – lower speed limits for which one is fined. In fact, even low speed can be very risky, leaving aside the aspects of the productive activities that are collapsing in Bologna given that the city seems to live in slow motion, in a sort of perpetual slow motion.

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