Home » Bridge of the dead and Halloween, 5 million Italians on the road

Bridge of the dead and Halloween, 5 million Italians on the road

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Bridge of the dead and Halloween, 5 million Italians on the road

The bridge of the dead and the Halloween party give further impetus to a positive tourist season. Between October 28 and November 1, Italian accommodation facilities should register 5 million overnight stays, 1.2 million more than last year, which, however, still suffered some limitations related to the pandemic. It emerges from the estimates made by the Florence Tourist Studies Center for Assoturismo Confesercenti.

Cities of art and historic villages

The survey shows an occupancy rate of the offer similar to that recorded for the same period of 2019, even if there are 20% fewer structures on the portals. Some probably – notes Assoturismo – have decided to remain closed because the increase in energy tariffs makes the activity not very convenient; others have decided to exit, at least for this bridge, from online portals and rely solely on direct sales. However, in the next weekend there will be a significant movement of Italian and foreign tourists who will head mainly towards the cities of art, villages and areas of scenic interest, but also towards other types of tourism. Good weather forecasts drive tourist flows, but also events, from the Alba International Fair to LuccaComics. The occupancy rate of the structures active in the cities / art centers stands at 88%, with peaks of over 90% in the main Italian cities. On the other hand, the flow of bookings to seaside resorts is less intense, with a saturation of 65% of the available offer and net of seasonal closures of accommodation establishments. The same trend for lakeside and mountain resorts, which are respectively 74% and 73% occupied. On the other hand, for the spa towns the rate recorded is 79%. The regions of the North West and the North East are doing better. For some realities in the Center too, expectations are particularly favorable, while for the regions of the South and Islands the saturation rates recorded are decidedly lower.

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