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Farnese d’or, Delespaul (CCI France Italie) strategic relationships

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Farnese d’or, Delespaul (CCI France Italie) strategic relationships

Relations between France and Italy essential in Europe

The history of relations between France and Italy was staged at Palazzo Farnese. For the second edition of the Gala del Farnese d’or, an event promoted annually by CCI France Italy – Chamber of Commerce, present the protagonists of the institutional, political, economic and cultural world of the two countries. With the promise of an understanding to be consolidated in the years to come. Especially in the European context.

“The relationship between France and Italy is ancient, deep and comprehensive” he highlighted Christian Masset, Ambassador of France in Italy. “The Treaty of the Quirinale marked a new season. Our cooperation is embodied on a daily basis by all actors that make it alive, from entrepreneurs to students, teachers, researchers, artists and many others in all our territories. I am delighted that Palazzo Farnese is hosting this award once again this year, and I want to thank the awardees who do us the honor of their presence and the France-Italie Chamber of Commerce for organizing this beautiful ceremony,” she added.

“Italy-France relations continue to be considered strategic and very satisfying for the managers of the two countries – commented the president of CCI France Italy Denis Delespaul, – as confirmed by a recent survey carried out by Ipsos, from which also emerges a notable complementarity and a common horizon of interests at national and European level. It is on these foundations that this year too we want to reward those prominent personalities who have given an exemplary contribution in consolidating our bilateral relations”.

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“And not only in the economic sphere, but in politics, culture and customs. Having been able to keep the promise – a year ago – to give continuity to this Award, which has no parallels in relations with other European countries, fills me with satisfaction and confirms me in the work that the Chambre carries out throughout the year to create important synergies and collaborations in the economic and industrial fields between the virtuous companies of our two countries” he added.

The numbers speak for themselves

According to data from a recent research conducted by Ipsos (May 2023) on a sample of Italian and French managers active in their respective countries, it emerges that for 78% of those interviewed, the current collaboration between Italian and French companies is positive, as is the sentiment on business performance, assessed with satisfaction from 94% of the intervieweeswith a prevailing (82%) perception of further improvement in the next 2-3 years.

The three areas in which a greater proximity between the two countries emerges are: the quality of products/productions (90% of positive sentiment); attention to ESG issues (83%); attention to the environment (82%). The two countries are more distant, but still in positive territory, as regards attention to social issues (68%), energy transition (61%) and the ability to relate to Europe (55%).

Together to weigh more in Brussels

Furthermore, for the interviewees the collaboration between Italian and French companies would lead to greater negotiating power compared to the European Union (63%). an increase in the financial solidity of companies (43%), a competitive advantage (62%) and conditions favorable to the growth of trade (55%) for both countries. Without forgetting the important benefits for CSR, a strategic area for the economy of the future, in particular: in promoting gender equality (44%), encouraging the development of sustainable supply chains (42%), combating climate change (40% ), ensure fair and respectful relationships with commercial partners (suppliers, distributors, consultants: 40%).

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Based on the Italy-France 2022 economic report produced by the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Italy and France are each other’s second largest customers. A bilateral trade that has a total value of 103.8 billion euros, with an almost equal presence of companies in their respective countries: 1764 French in Italy and 1767 Italian in France. Together they represent a market of 167 million consumers and 30% of the EU’s GDP, with 400,000 jobs created by mutual investment.

The France and Italy are then the 3rd supplier country of each other with 7.8% of imports for both countries. France is also Italy’s 2nd trading partner while Italy is France’s 3rd trading partner.

2022 was a record year for Italian investments in French territory

In fact, 139 projects have started, with an increase of 45% compared to 2021. These investments have made it possible to create or confirm 2,656 jobs with a number of jobs up 45% compared to last year. France, on the other hand, confirms itself as the leading foreign investor in Italy. Even in innovation, the two countries are in the front row, contributing 23% to EU R&D investments. As regards the industrial sectors, French exports to Italy are worth 5.5 billion euros in chemicals and cosmetics, 3.5 billion in metallurgy, 2.6 billion in industrial machinery, 2.2 billion in agri-food; Italian exports to France 6.1 billion in industrial machinery, 5.7 billion in metallurgy, 5.1 billion in textile-clothing.

And in the future it is possible to do even better. Thanks to the partnership agreement between the two countries and to the people who, with their work, manage to make this bond stronger and more productive. Hence the decision of the CCI France Italie to assign the Grand Prix Farnese d’Or to Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs. The Farnese d’Or à l’Entreprise went instead to Jean Marc Chery, President & CEO of STMicroelectronics.

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The Farnese d’Or pour l’Art was awarded to Stefano Boeri, President of the Milan Triennale, and to Hervé Chandès, Directeur Général Artistique of the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain. The Farnese d’Or pour l’Information went to Stefano Montefiori, Corriere della Sera Paris Correspondent, while the Farnese d’Or pour la Culture was awarded to Massimo Bottura, Chef patron Osteria Francescana

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