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no waiver of funds but let’s reshape the Plan

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no waiver of funds but let’s reshape the Plan

The government pushes for one remodulation of the Pnrr.

No run-up to funds, but rather a review. This is the position of the executive which thus responded to the statement by the president of the Lega group in the Chamber, Riccardo Molinari, which had proposed to give up part of the loan funds allocated by Brussels.

We are working to reshape the plan” but the idea of ​​“giving up part of the funds” is not on the table, reports RaiNews24 quoting government sources who added that the is working “to resolve the critical issues”. The Plan must be “remodulated”, eliminating i projects which cannot be completed by 2026 but “the free space” will be used “on other projects for which the funds can be spent by June 2026”, they added.

“Even if some points of the Pnrr have to be reviewed, always through dialogue and agreement with the EU Commission, there is absolutely no risk of losing resources. This is a strong government that has great credibility in Europe”, declared the president of the Forza Italia senators, Licia Ronzulli, during his visit to Vinitaly.

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The reaction of the opposition was immediate. The Democratic party – through his social channels – he asked to clarify the matter in Parliament: “moving funds, asking for postponements, changing projects: on the PNRR in the meloni government and in the majority it is total chaos. No more passing the buck, no more delays: Minister Fitto should immediately come to parliament to explain what is happening”.

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“I would expect from those who govern a clear priority towards the implementation of the interventions, not their renunciation – he declared instead Matthew Richetti, group leader of Action-Italy Long live the Chamber of Deputies -. It’s madness to imagine losing a unique and historic opportunity like that of the funds allocated with the PNRR. From day one, directly to the Premier League, we have shown our willingness and collaboration on an issue that affects the entire country. I hope it ends soon with statements that oscillate between irresponsibility and madness”.

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“In these hours we are witnessing yet another rift within the Government and the most worrying thing is that it is happening on a crucial issue for our country, namely the PNRR – they declared in a use the deputies of the Movement in the EU Policies Commission of Camera e Senate –. The surreal words spoken by the Northern League Riccardo Molinari on the possibility of giving up part of the money of the Pnrr have been partially denied by Palazzo Chigi, generating chaos and confusion. Who should we listen to, the League or the Brothers of Italy?”

“We are talking, among other things, about money obtained with extreme effort in Europe by Joseph Conte, after a long tug of war with Frugal Countries, and which represent a unique opportunity for the relaunch of Italy and to finally modernize and digitize our country – he concludes -. And faced with this challenge of grounding the PNRR, what does the government do? The one who, among other things, said he was ready during the electoral campaign, even assumes he will lose resources for manifest incapacity to carry out the projects. We are willing, for the good of the country, to collaborate with the government for the grounding of the PNRR but they really tell us what they have in mind!”.

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