Home » Price comparison: Is Lidl cheaper in Germany or in Spain?

Price comparison: Is Lidl cheaper in Germany or in Spain?

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Price comparison: Is Lidl cheaper in Germany or in Spain?

Where is Lidl shopping more expensive: in Spain or in Germany? Steffen Bosse ; Collage: Luca Schallenberger

In Spain, Germans don’t have to do without shopping at Lidl. But where is shopping cheaper – in a Spanish or in a German Lidl?

We’ve been to a Lidl in Barcelona and one in Berlin, made a usual purchase and compared the prices.

Fruit and vegetables in particular are cheaper in Germany. Overall, shopping in Spain was around 80 cents more expensive.

If you don’t want to do without your favorite discounter on holiday in Spain, you don’t have to. Both Aldi and Lidl can be found in most Spanish cities. The only question is: is it worth shopping at a discounter while on holiday? And how are the prices compared to the stores in Germany?

We have already made an Aldi price comparison – and the result surprised us. We have now been to a Lidl in Barcelona and a Lidl in Berlin, did a normal day’s shopping and also compared the prices here. The result: The range hardly differs. The discounter in Germany is a little cheaper than the Spanish Lidl.

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Bar of chocolate almost twice as expensive

Fruit and vegetables are cheaper in Germany. While a tomato is around three cents cheaper in Germany, a banana costs six cents and an apple even twelve cents less. That surprised us – after all, Germany imports a lot of fruit and vegetables from Spain, and Spain is often referred to as the vegetable garden of Europe.

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The differences in sweets are even clearer. We bought a bar of chocolate with hazelnuts, each the cheapest on offer. In Spain, the price was 1.75 euros – in Germany, on the other hand, it was only 89 cents.

Salami and butter were also more expensive in Spain. Salami costs 1.99 euros in Germany. In Spain, it is around 23 percent more expensive at 2.45 euros. Butter costs 37 percent more in Spain than in Germany. While we paid 1.45 euros in this country, it was 1.99 euros in Spain.

Some products are cheaper in Spain

But there are also products that are more expensive in German Lidl than in Spanish discount stores. We paid 70 cents more for a pack of eggs, toast was 20 cents more and sliced ​​cheese was 40 cents more.

You can see all the prices of our purchase in this table:


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We paid a total of 11.32 euros for shopping in Berlin. In Spain, the purchase cost 12.09 euros – and was 77 cents more expensive.

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