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Testament Berlusconi, the last wishes of the Knight

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Testament Berlusconi, the last wishes of the Knight

MILAN. «Dear Marina, Piersilvio, Barbara and Eleonora, I’m entering the San Raffaele. If I don’t return, please take note of the following…”

There are actually three wills left by Silvio Berlusconi: the first dated October 2, 2006, eight lines in all, in which he clarifies that he leaves “the disposable” in equal parts to his children Marina and Piersilvio and “everything else in equal parts to my five children”, i.e. also including Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi; the second, of another eight lines, in which he confirms the first by adding 100 million euros as a legacy to his brother Paolo, dated 5 October 2020. The last, perhaps the most moving, 14 lines in all, dated 19 January 2022, the one he signed before entering the hospital in January a year ago. It is at this moment, perhaps already aware of the diagnosis of leukemia, that Silvio Berlusconi, with a much more uncertain handwriting than the first two legacies, in addition to confirming the 100 million for his brother, adds 100 million for Marta Fascina and 30 million for Marcello Dell ‘Utri, lifelong friend and custodian of perhaps the Knight’s most shameful secrets.

“When the notary called me this morning, I was shocked by the news,” he comments. “I didn’t expect it because he owed me nothing. The affection remained even without this material gesture, which demonstrates the greatness of man. I gave everything for him and he – she adds – gave everything for me ». And again: «Since this morning I have been crying not so much for the material thing but for the gesture that demonstrates the greatness of man. To me he was like a brother. We had known each other for over sixty years. He has always helped me. Even at the university he gave me his notes.’

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The well-known phrase follows: «For the good I loved them and for what they loved me. Thanks and much love to all of you, Your dad…”

The document was drawn up in holographic form and was opened yesterday in two phases: for the children before the lawyers Carlo Rimini and Luca Fossati in the office of the notary Roveda in via Pagani in Milan in relation to the first two bequests; then in Arcore where Marta Antonia Fascina, with the witnesses Antonino Battaglia and Stefania Gaiani, delivered an “unsealed” envelope, bearing the inscription “to my children” and the signature “S Berlusconi”, containing a sheet of letterhead made up of two facades written in black ink, belonging to a single person, on the first facade for fifteen lines or parts of a line…”which (the notary, ed) believes to be the holographic will of Mr. Silvio Berlusconi which he asks me to publish”.

From quotas to bequests, all the numbers of the will. The handwritten letter: “Much love to all of you”. But there is no name of Luigi Emanuela Minucci 06 July 2023

It should be noted that no reference is made to the villa of Arcore, i.e. to the fact that it should become the residence of the Fascina. At this point, the children will decide. And no reference is made to the fate of Forza Italia either. It’s a father’s will, nothing more. The politician, the entrepreneur, the Knight remain in the memory and disappear with him.

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