Home » The Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Holds a Meeting and Resolutely Supports the Central Committee’s Decision to Conduct Disciplinary Review and Supervision and Investigation of Zhu Congjiu’s Suspected Serious Violations of Discipline and Law_Hangzhou Net

The Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Holds a Meeting and Resolutely Supports the Central Committee’s Decision to Conduct Disciplinary Review and Supervision and Investigation of Zhu Congjiu’s Suspected Serious Violations of Discipline and Law_Hangzhou Net

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The Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee held a meeting and resolutely supported the Central Committee’s decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervisory investigation on Zhu Congjiu’s suspected serious violations of discipline and law

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting

Resolutely support the central government’s investigation of Zhu Congjiu’s alleged serious violation of disciplineDecisions to conduct disciplinary review and supervisory investigations against the law

Yi Lianhong, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, hosted

Zhejiang Daily, Hangzhou, May 4th News On the evening of the 4th, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to convey the central government’s decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervisory investigations on Zhu Congjiu’s suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

Provincial Party Secretary Yi Lianhong presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the disciplinary review and supervision and investigation of Zhu Congjiu’s suspected serious violations of discipline and law fully demonstrated the sobriety and determination of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to solve the unique problems of major parties, and adhere to the principle of anti-corruption without restricted areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance. The consistent position has released a strong signal to push the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to the depth and to carry the party’s self-revolution to the end. The provincial party committee firmly supported the decision of the central government. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the province must speak politics with a clear-cut stand, constantly improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and earnestly unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of the central decision-making, consciously be the most party spirit, the most emphatic Politics, loyalty, and responsibility are the most important, and we will firmly defend the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve the “two safeguards” with practical actions.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to deeply learn the lessons of Zhu Congjiu’s suspected serious violation of discipline and law, take the case as a mirror, draw a warning, and keep ringing the alarm. We must always keep a clear head, deeply understand that the situation of the anti-corruption struggle is still complicated and severe, and the task of curbing the increase and clearing the stock is still arduous. We must serve the people, be responsible to the people, and consciously accept the supervision of the people. We must always firmly establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and career; The party style and government style must take the lead in abiding by party discipline and state laws, so as to be dedicated to the public, upright, spotless, and always maintain the original aspiration and true colors of communists.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s strategic thinking on the party’s self-revolution, fully grasp a series of major policies and important deployments of the Party Central Committee on comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and maintain strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time. Persevere, carry out the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption to the end, accelerate the creation of a highland of party building and clean construction in the new era that pays equal attention to diligence and integrity, deeply implement the “eighth eighth strategy” for our province, and vigorously promote innovation, deepen reform, tackle tough problems and improve opening up, Create an “important window” with “two firsts” and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Zhejiang to provide a strong guarantee.

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The meeting emphasized that we must always put the party’s political construction in the first place, combine the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and carry out in-depth activities of “Tracing the Origin of Thoughts to Promote Practice” to promote the belief of party members and cadres in the province. The foundation of forging great virtues, the head of forging great virtues, resolutely oppose the “seven musts”, always abide by the “five musts”, and always be a politically sensible person and a sober person.

The meeting emphasized that we must always maintain a high-pressure situation of punishing corruption, continue to deepen the integration of those who dare not, cannot, and do not want to be corrupt, and make efforts to punish and deter, institutional constraints, and awareness-raising. Win the protracted battle against corruption and continue to consolidate the overwhelming victory with a tenacious fighting spirit.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to always focus on outstanding problems, rectify and rectify them, strengthen the use of cases to promote reform, use cases to promote construction, and use cases to promote governance, deeply grasp the crux of the problem, make up for shortcomings, and treat root causes, and deepen systemic governance with clean and honest construction, and treat both symptoms and root causes. Promote the continuous improvement of the power exercise restriction and supervision system.

The meeting emphasized that we must always keep an eye on the “key few” to strengthen supervision, strengthen the daily management and supervision of leading cadres, find problems in time, and catch small signs early. Leading cadres at all levels, especially the “top leaders” must consciously accept supervision, strictly implement democratic centralism and the reporting system, and strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and corruption resistance.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to always tighten and compact the responsibility of managing the party and governing the party. Party committees (party groups) at all levels must strictly implement the main responsibility for comprehensive and strict governance of the party. “Responsibility”, earnestly do a good job in the party building work in the field of management and in charge of the localities, so as to be really strict in management, dare to be strict in management, and strict in long-term management, and guide party members and cadres to strengthen the diligent pursuit of “clean and clean, and clean”. Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels must earnestly fulfill their supervisory responsibilities, put discipline and rules at the forefront, dare to be good at fighting, promote governance more effectively through supervision, and better transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness.

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