Home » Adapt social insurance for artists and cultural workers to work realities! Sign petition. -mica

Adapt social insurance for artists and cultural workers to work realities! Sign petition. -mica

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Adapt social insurance for artists and cultural workers to work realities!  Sign petition.  -mica

Art and culture interest groups and the trade union initiative vidaflex are jointly calling for adjustments to the social security systems. On November 30, 2023, the Petitions Committee in Parliament will once again deal with the list of demands. Call: Sign the petition now!

He will Austrian Cultural Councilthe umbrella organization of Austrian filmmakersdie IG authors authors, IG freelance musicians, IG Free Theater Work, Initiative Dance and Movement Art Austria, WORKING CONDITIONS – Working Group of Wiener Perspektive as well as the trade union initiative vidaflex, have joined forces to form a solidarity working group. We have set ourselves the goal of achieving a long-overdue adjustment of social security benefits for artists and cultural workers in line with the actual working realities.

We are of the opinion that applicable labor law must also be adhered to in the arts and culture sector, but we would like to point out that in many cases it is not possible to clearly classify the activity as “self-employed” or “employed”.

Sign the petition, now: Better social security for artists and cultural workers

Result of the solidarity working group vidaflex, cultural council and IGs is a position paper with demands on four pressing problem areas in social security (for solo self-employed people). Since the end of June, all of these demands have also been reflected in a parliamentary petition – adopted and introduced by cultural spokeswoman Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek (SPÖ). On November 30, 2023, the Petitions Committee in Parliament will once again deal with the list of demands. We call on you to sign the petition – the prerequisite, however, is that you are an Austrian citizen and at least 16 years old.

# Position paper (May 2023): https://kulturrat.at/socialversicherung-fuer-kuenstler_innen-in-oesterreich

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# Sign the petition: https://www.parlament.gv.at/gegenstand/XXVII/PET/124

Why do we so urgently need a fundamental reform of the social security systems?

The number of atypical or hybrid employees, newly self-employed people and especially solo self-employed people in the arts and culture sector is constantly growing. The classic “employer – employee” constellation with continuous and, above all, consistent employment relationships exists in art and culture predominantly for those employed in organization and administration in larger theaters and museums, at festivals, publishing houses and film production companies.

A lot of artists work independently. For example, actors in the visual arts, authors, set and costume designers, composers, choreographers, etc. can usually be assigned to the group of new self-employed people, with most of them working as solo self-employed people. In addition to this group, there are also many atypical or hybrid employees with changing forms of employment and contracts, e.g. cultural workers and artists who work on short-term projects or have multiple part-time jobs.

What’s next?

Initial discussions with the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the social insurance companies and the KSVF took place and possible solutions were discussed. We are committed to implementing it, but we need your support. As a first step, you can support the cause by signing the petition and spreading it in your networks!

Austrian Cultural Council
[email protected]

Austrian Cultural Council

The Austrian Cultural Council is the association of interest groups in art, culture and free media. Together, these IGs represent around 5,000 individual members as well as 60 member associations with their 360,000 members, 1,000 cultural initiatives and 16 independent radio stations.

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Members of the Austrian Cultural Council:

ASSITEJ Austria – Young Theater Austria, Professional Association of Visual Artists, Austria’s umbrella association of filmmakers, Forum of Austrian Film Festivals, IG Visual Arts, IG Free Theater Work, IG Culture Austria, IG Translators Translators, Austrian Music Council, Austrian Association of Cultural Mediators, Association of Free Broadcasting Austria

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