Home » After the recovery, domestic medical dramas still need to break the circle methodology – yqqlm

After the recovery, domestic medical dramas still need to break the circle methodology – yqqlm

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After the recovery, domestic medical dramas still need to break the circle methodology – yqqlm

With Western medicine occupying the focus of most medical works, “Awakening Man” chose traditional Chinese medicine as an entry point, focusing on a number of TCM treatment methods for awakening, highlighting the powerful value and charm of TCM.The picture shows the stills of “The Awakener”

  Peng Kan Wang Xuening

With the success of dramas such as “All About Doctor Tang”, “Dear Life”, “Thank You Doctor” and “Awakener” in the second half of this year, domestic medical dramas have aroused everyone’s discussion. Previously, driven by the huge success of “Heart Technique” in 2012, domestic medical dramas had a small climax around 2014 and 2015, but due to the lack of popular and blockbuster works, this wave quickly died down. However, recent medical-themed works have shown a warming scene, which makes people curious. What is the “magic weapon” for domestic medical dramas to recapture the audience?

Next, “Children’s Heart” starring Mao Xiaotong and Zhao Youting, “Extraordinary Healer” starring Zhang Wanyi, “White Castle” co-starring Peng Guanying and Tu Songyan, “Running Doctor” starring Tong Dawei and Ren Suxi, etc. The first medical-themed work is “ready to go”. It is still worth looking forward to whether the domestic medical drama can grasp the key words, continue its warming and positive development trend, and bring new surprises to the audience.


Diversified exploration of themes

Neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency department… These are the medical specialties that people are relatively familiar with, and they are also the medical specialties that have been portrayed more in domestic medical dramas in the past. However, with the increasing aesthetic level of the audience, it is becoming more and more difficult to arouse users’ interest in watching dramas with repetitive themes and changing the content of dramas. Therefore, domestic medical dramas also need to explore diversified themes. Tentacles” extend to other medical fields that people are not familiar with and rarely presented in film and television works.

“Everything About Doctor Tang” focuses on the most important organ of the human body – the heart, and tells in-depth 28 difficult and rare heart disease cases. The relatively unfamiliar medical diseases mentioned in it, such as Behcet’s disease, Marfan syndrome, and cardiac pheochromocytoma, opened the door for the audience to explore the new world of medicine. Not only that, but for the first time in the play, the research and development of my country’s “full magnetic levitation artificial heart” was moved to the screen, highlighting the significance of the application of artificial hearts.

And “Thank You Doctor” puts the story in the EICU (Emergency Intensive Care Unit), a panoramic depiction of this scarce department that is no less important than the emergency department and specializes in providing rescue, treatment and care for critically ill patients. The daily life and life of doctors and patients in the department are vividly rendered.

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In addition, when Western medicine occupies the focus of most medical-themed works, “Awakener” has chosen a unique approach to use traditional Chinese medicine as an entry point, focusing on introducing a number of treatment methods for awakening in traditional Chinese medicine, highlighting the powerful value and charm of traditional Chinese medicine . On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, the series explores innovative diagnosis and treatment combining Chinese and Western medicine, revealing more possibilities of Chinese medical care.

Compared with the earlier domestic medical dramas, the current film and television dramas of this type have not only become more extensive and diverse in terms of departmental attention, but the cast has also shown a posture of “changing the old look with a new look”. Today’s domestic medical dramas have many popular stars, such as “Thank You Doctor” starring Yang Mi and Bai Yu, “Dear Life” starring Song Qian, and “Everything About Doctor Tang” performed by Qin Lan and Wei Daxun, etc. Highly popular actors themselves have a strong “drama-leading ability”, and their joining will naturally achieve a precise diversion effect, further enhancing the popularity and visibility of medical dramas.


A deep focus on healthcare

For a long time, domestic professional dramas have been a “thankless” existence in the drama market, especially medical dramas. This kind of film and television theme with knowledge output attributes and high requirements for the accuracy and rigor of professional content will be complained and criticized by the audience if it is a little careless. For example, the presentation of erroneous medical knowledge such as 10 grams of furosemide, 200cc blood test, and injection of 9% normal saline in some earlier dramas made many viewers, especially related professionals, feel disgusted.

While being labeled as “unprofessional”, telling love stories in the “cloak” of an industry drama is another “serious disease” of medical dramas for a period of time. The office romance between doctors, the old story of two men chasing a woman, and outrageous plots such as extramarital affairs have all taken the lead in some medical dramas, turning medical dramas into clichéd urban love dramas.

However, to this day, medical dramas have gradually begun to get rid of the core of love and return to the right track led by professionalism. After “Everything About Doctor Tang” was broadcast, netizens praised the most for its balance between professional content and emotional scenes. In the play, the emotional line between the hero and heroine is deliberately downplayed, and the only part is also based on the complete presentation of medical content. Most of the play is devoted to topics and stories related to medical care, including conference discussions on rare diseases, the real restoration of surgical scenes, and the development process of the “Full Magnetic Levitation Artificial Heart”. The series also designed a detailed interpretation of medical diseases and professional terms at the end of each episode to ensure that the audience can directly and accurately obtain the popularization of medical knowledge.

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“Thank You Doctor” also puts the professional presentation of medical cases and medical scenes in an important position in the series. The whole drama puts the construction of EICU, the contradictions between departments and the treatment of intractable diseases all in the front of the love drama, and more than 70 real cases are accommodated in the volume of 40 episodes, which truly realizes the reality of this drama. What the screenwriter said, “Get rid of the hybrid story of ‘dating in a white coat’ and create a real medical drama”.

“Dear Life” and “The Awakener” respectively extend the stories in the medical field from the perspectives of two heroines and two heroes, and further focus on the presentation of medical professions and details and the outline of the growth of doctors. “White Strongman 2” created by TVB is even more “parallel” with three male protagonists, truly showing the reform of the medical system and the internal struggle of the hospital. With the in-depth focus on “medical treatment” in current domestic medical dramas, and the more professional and rigorous description of medical content, the public’s impression and attitude towards works of this theme are also gradually changing.

However, for film and television works, if the transmission and popularization of professional knowledge is carried out throughout the article, it will inevitably make the audience feel boring over time. Therefore, taking into account the professionalism and drama of the drama has become a key step in the “optimization” of medical dramas.

The TV series “Little Doctor” tries to integrate medical, emotional, comedy, suspense and other elements into one, making the content of medical dramas more rich and full. “The Awakener” also uses the “medical + suspense” two-line parallel model to release the drama tension to the maximum and arouse the audience’s curiosity to follow the drama. The coexistence of professionalism and drama has further enhanced the viewability of domestic medical dramas, and provided assistance in attracting audience attention and rebuilding users’ confidence in watching dramas.


Double healing for body and mind

The surprise attack of the epidemic also attracted the attention of dramas with the theme of medical treatment and anti-epidemic. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic since 2020 has made people deeply feel the hard work and difficulty of the angels in white. Works such as documentaries “Chinese Doctor” and “Chinese Doctor Fighting the Epidemic Edition” became popular at the time through the true writing of the daily life of medical workers. made. Immediately afterwards, dramas such as “The Most Beautiful Retrograde” and “Together” followed. Although it is not a professional drama purely focusing on the medical field, the touching story of the whole people fighting the epidemic together also aroused everyone’s empathy at that time.

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It is precisely because I have personally experienced the epidemic in the past few years that I can best perceive the exclamation that “life and death are nothing serious”, and it is easier to be moved by the emotional outpouring in medical-themed works. The current domestic medical drama, on the basis of popularizing medical knowledge, showing the daily work of doctors and nurses, and discussing the relationship between doctors and patients, pays more attention to the highlight of the value of life and reminds people to cherish every minute and every second of life. At the same time, more thought was spent to show the double healing of the patients and their families by the medical workers, and to convey the warmth and hope of the world in the hospitals surrounded by cold walls and equipment.

The impressive heart patient Wang Xuechun in “Everything About Doctor Tang” truly presents a person’s urgent desire for life. In order to be able to live with her husband and young children, Wang Xuechun, who is seriously ill and even has begun to fail in various organs, has been sticking to it with a smile on her face, but the artificial heart is not perfect, and two missed donors, and finally failed. keep her alive. This regrettable story is not intended to give people grief, but to allow people to have a deeper understanding of the preciousness and hard-won of life in a real society where disease and death are intertwined.

“Thank you doctor”, which is full of “healing” core, demonstrates the warmth and power of medicine through stories that happened in the obstetrics and gynecology department and the emergency intensive care unit. In the play, after the doctor learned that the father of the 8-year-old uremic girl Yu Mingming did not match her, he finally reached an agreement with her family to let her bravely accept the illness and fulfill her last wish; The boy died of posterior fossa hemorrhage. When the boy’s mother fell into self-blame, the doctors used white lies to let the family members feel relieved… These storylines virtually broke the audience’s cold and stereotyped impression of hospitals and doctors, and released a warm and unique feeling. Humanistic care and thinking.

What needs to be seen is that although domestic medical dramas have gradually shown a gratifying development trend in innovation and evolution, they have not yet found a methodology to “break the circle”, and there are only a handful of dramas that can truly reach the level of “popular”. And based on various objective reasons arising from the real environment, it is difficult for medical-themed works to deeply explore and discuss the root and essence of social problems while reflecting them. The in-depth portrayal and highlighting of realism in domestic medical dramas still needs time to think and polish.

责编:张晓荣 ]

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