Home » José “Pepe” Mujica: “Argentine society is self-destructing due to this madness of change”

José “Pepe” Mujica: “Argentine society is self-destructing due to this madness of change”

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José “Pepe” Mujica: “Argentine society is self-destructing due to this madness of change”

After the skyrocket of the blue dollar, which reached $497 and then dropped to $474 pesos, the former Uruguayan president Jose “Pepe” Mujicalamented the economic crisis affecting Argentina and noted that Argentine society is self-destructing “due to the madness of change.”

“Many decades ago the Argentine people lost confidence in their currency. A culture of mistrust was formed. Argentine society ‘self-destroys’ (sic) itself due to this abrupt madness of change“, said the ex-president of Uruguay in his column Radio 10.

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Along the same lines, the former leader of the Broad Front added: “It has happened to it at least three or four times in its history, and apparently, evil persists“.

It is as if the entire country was subjected to a scam. We remain absorbed contemplating this race for the dollar that seems to have no end, but obviously has to have some way out,” said Mujica, a regional ally of the last Peronist governments.

In this sense, the former Uruguayan president pointed out that work must be done in the region in a exchange of goods and services using national currencies: “One of the great setbacks of Latin America is not having prompted the custom of trading with our ‘Creole currencies’ in time, and making the central banks work on arbitrating the differences that could exist between them, and compensating them”.

The former Uruguayan president insisted on the need for Latin American countries to trade using their own currencies.

Likewise, the former leader of the Broad Front that Argentina should “to escape from that trap that means subordination to international currencies”a fact explained on the basis of the “colonial history” and the region’s “dependence” on economically developed countries.

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Before it was the pound for more than a hundred years, today it is the dollar and the day after tomorrow it will be the yuan. Inevitably, the dispute and the development of international competition will lead, in the short or long term, for the Chinese currency to rank third in the world,” he warned.

In turn, the former president of Uruguay questioned: “When will we, two Americans, decide to start trading with our little pesos, with our depraved currencies? We have signed treaties in this regard that, obviously, we do not comply with.”

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In this context, Mujica analyzed the scenario and stated that the leadership has to direct its will in “learn and change parameter” regarding the way of relating, arguing that the exchange rate is an element of the economy “linked in one way or another to the exercise of sovereignty.”

“When we have to subordinate ourselves to an international currency, we subordinate ourselves to a relationship of forces that in fact is imposed on the world economy,” he explained and expanded: “It’s like saying ‘we depend’. It is an effective and real practical way of subscribing every day to the subordination not only of the economy, but of our nation’s conscience to the realities of the world.”

To close, the former Uruguayan president called to “defend the value of our work” and concluded: “The world of law needs the support of force. And the strength of the weak can only be transformed and multiplied when the weak stop their foolishness and get together. to stop being weak, simply”.

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