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The results of the elections in Córdoba and Formosa

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The results of the elections in Córdoba and Formosa

This Sunday at 6:00 p.m. the polls for the elections in Córdoba and Formosa closed. Córdoba elected governor, 44 provincial legislators, authorities of the Court of Accounts and mayor of the capital, in a day in which the Single Vote Ballot was used. For his part, Formosa He also elected a provincial president, lieutenant governor, 15 legislative seats, mayors and councilors.

In the next few hours the first official results.

Elections in Córdoba: Martín Llaryosa vs. Luis Juez

The people of Cordoba went to the polls this Sunday, June 25 to elect their next governor and vice, provincial legislators, mayors, councilors and authorities for the Court of Accounts.

In addition to governor and vice, provincial legislative positions, mayors -with their respective councilors- and representatives for the Court of Accounts are at stake. There are more than 3 million inhabitants of the Mediterranean province who have the green light to vote.

For the fourth time, people voted in Córdoba with the single paper ballot: although the electoral offer was distributed among 11 candidates, the pro-government Martín Llaryora (We do for Córdoba) and Luis Juez (Together for Change) are the main animators of the contest which is closely followed by the main national references of JxC.

Llaryora, the current mayor of the capital, was blessed by the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, to compete for his seat in the Civic Center. Peronism has governed the territory since 1999 with the victory of José Manuel de la Sota. He has been in power for 24 years and hopes to extend his hegemony by four more.

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His running mate is Myriam Prunotto, mayor of Juárez Celman, who is radical and made the leap to Cordovan Peronism, which sparked a wave of criticism from co-religionists.

On the other side is the senator Judge, founder of the Civic Front, and who is accompanied by the president of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) of Córdoba, Marcos Carasso. The opposition formula will try to hit the ground and wrest power from Schiarettismo.

The Cordovan election will be a more than important standstill in the face of the general elections and became more relevant after Schiaretti’s attempt to join JxC, promoted by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and allies, which aroused discomfort in Judge, Mauricio Macri and the another PRO presidentialist, Patricia Bullrich.

After the close of the elections, Llaryora will move to her bunker located in the Quorum Congress Center, on the outskirts of the city.

Luis Juez will do the same, but in the Espacio Quality theater, where his team and militancy will be waiting for him. Patricia Bullrich, one of the JxC presidential candidates, has a better chance of landing on Córdoba soil at night and being with Judge.

The complete list of candidates:

– Luis Judge – Marcos Carasso (Together)

– Martín Llaryora – Myriam Prunotto (We do it for Córdoba)

-Liliana Olivero (Left Front)

– Soledad Díaz García (Workers Party).

-Fernando Schüle (Humanist Party) and Griselda Osorio.

-Julia Di Santi (New MAS) and Miguel Díaz.

-Federico Alessandri (I believe in Córdoba) – Gabriela Estévez.

-Rodolfo Eiben (Developmental Democratic Liberal Front) and Gabriel Bornoroni.

-Patricia Bon (Popular Party) and Roberto Sarandonelo.

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-Mario Peral (Federal Popular Union) and Pamela Arias.

-Aurelio Garcia Elorrio (Neighborhood Meeting Cordoba) and Maria Rosa Marcone.

-Agustín Spaccesi (Freedom Advances) and María Cristina Lagger.

Elections in Formosa: Gildo Insfrán seeks his eighth term

The Formoseños participated this Sunday in the provincial elections in which the Peronist governor, Gildo Insfrán, sought his seventh re-election in office accompanied by his current deputy governor, Eber Solís, and will seek a victory that allows him to begin his eighth December 10 next mandate.

The main opponents were the Frente Amplio Formoseño Confederation, which proposes as a formula for the Governorate the former federal judge and national deputy of Together for Change Fernando Carbajal and the young lawyer María Fernanda Insfrán, with no family relationship with the governor.

The provincial elections had a total of 2,543 candidates in seven mottos, which in turn had 90 submottos: 64 are from the PJ. In total, there were 479,879 voters authorized to vote at 1,475 polling stations located in 253 schools.

The president of the Permanent Electoral Tribunal of Formosa, Sandra Moreno, highlighted that at 8:00 a.m. “the elections started with a high percentage of tables and schools open” and reported some “delays in the opening due to lack of any table authority or delay of prosecutors, with location of the ballots and their recognition”. In general terms, the elections, she reported, the elections “began with total normality.”

Gildo Insfrán wants to govern “until the people say”

The governor of Formosa minimized the opposition’s questions by stating that “alternation in the province is decided by the people.” When asked about his permanence in power, the Peronist governor replied: “Ask the people. The alternation in Formosa is decided by the people.”

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In this sense, he assured that he will remain in office “until the people say” and, referring to the nickname of fiefdom assigned to him by opposition leaders, he stressed: “Federal Capital is a fiefdom where the tenants are the vassals.”

The Formosa president also expressed his opinion about the twists and turns that marked the last hours in Unión por la Patria, after the pre-candidacies of Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro and Daniel Scioli were dropped and Sergio Massa’s candidacy was confirmed: “These are things that happen. Politics is like that. I don’t know if (the formula with Agustín Rossi) is the best or the worst: the people will decide. Today it is the possible formula that allowed for unity.”

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