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Advances in Transfusion Medicine: A Review of Scientific and Technological Progress

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Advances in Transfusion Medicine: A Review of Scientific and Technological Progress

Extraordinary Advances in Transfusion Medicine: A Review of Recent Scientific and Technological Progress

In recent decades, there have been remarkable advancements in transfusion medicine, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and technological developments. These advances have significantly influenced the way transfusion centers and services operate and have improved patient care and transfusion safety.

José Luis Arroyo, responsible for Quality Management at the Cantabria Blood and Tissue Bank, recently participated in the Educational Program of the National Congress of Hematology, Hemotherapy, Thrombosis, and Haemostasis (#Hemato2023). In his presentation, he discussed the scientific and technological breakthroughs that have taken place in transfusion medicine over the past few decades and how they have impacted current transfusion practices.

Dr. Arroyo highlighted three major areas of research that have contributed to the progress in transfusion medicine. The first area is the availability of blood and blood components. Thanks to improved techniques, the availability of blood for transfusion has significantly increased, ensuring that patients in need have access to the required components.

The second area of focus is the quality and safety of available blood components. Dr. Arroyo specifically emphasized the use of pathogen attenuation techniques, which have revolutionized the approach to infectious risks associated with transfusion. These proactive techniques have allowed for the development of programs to obtain COVID-19 convalescent plasma early on in the pandemic.

Furthermore, advancements in detecting communicable viral diseases have made blood safer than ever. However, efforts are now being directed towards tackling other challenges such as bacterial contamination, non-infectious risks, errors during transfusion, and emerging diseases.

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Looking towards the future, transfusion centers and services are expanding their scope beyond traditional functions. One area of expansion is cell therapy, which has gained momentum with the advent of CAR-T cell therapy. Additionally, there is a growing need to improve the sufficiency of plasma-derived medicines.

Virginia Callao, from the Valencia Transfusion Center, stressed the importance of the donor, blood component, and recipient care in ensuring transfusion safety. Measures to protect the donor, such as appropriate selection interviews and careful venipuncture, are essential. Similarly, safety measures must be implemented at the patient’s bedside to prevent human errors during the pre-transfusion sample collection and transfusion process.

In a separate symposium within #Hemato2023, gene therapy’s potential for treating congenital anemias was discussed. Rafael del Orbe, a hematologist at the Cruces de Barakaldo University Hospital, highlighted the benefits of gene therapy, particularly in cases where the patient’s own stem cells can be modified and transplanted without relying on a donor. Gene therapy has shown positive results in diseases like Fanconi anemia, pyruvate kinase deficiency, and Blackfan-Diamond anemia. These innovative therapies, pioneered by Spanish research groups, have achieved promising outcomes, including cures.

The Congress also showcased groundbreaking research, such as the discovery of a new gene involved in congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type IIIb. This finding, presented by Mayka Sánchez from the International University of Catalonia, opens new possibilities for further understanding this rare hematological disease.

Overall, these scientific and technological advances in transfusion medicine are revolutionizing the field, ensuring better availability, safety, and patient outcomes. The continuous efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and transfusion centers are crucial in advancing the field and improving transfusion practices for the benefit of patients worldwide.

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