Home » After four months of activity, over 66,500 accesses to the emergency assistance centers in Emilia-Romagna – Health

After four months of activity, over 66,500 accesses to the emergency assistance centers in Emilia-Romagna – Health

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After four months of activity, over 66,500 accesses to the emergency assistance centers in Emilia-Romagna – Health

Average waiting times confirmed, 40 minutes in the last week, and 83% of patients treated directly on site. 348 doctors employed, 61% of whom are under 35 years old Donini: “Go ahead with this innovative project at the service of citizens, which is working thanks to good organization and the professionals involved” 81% of accesses take place during daytime , mainly (68%) by people between 18 and 64 years old. Low complexity pathologies, including orthopedic and gastrointestinal problems, continue to be those for which people go to CAU

February 29, 2024 – 66. 515 hits in four months, from November 1st to February 25thwhich touch the 80.000 (exactly 77,797) also considering Ferrara and its province, the first to start on an experimental basis.

They are the numbers of Emergency assistance centers of Emilia-Romagna, constantly monitored by the Region to evaluate the progress of the activity throughout the territory, after the completion of the first tranche of structures, to which another twenty will be added this year.

They are confirmed waiting time contents, on average 40 minutes in the last weeke 83% of patients that he receives on-site assistance and care; continues to be daytime time the one with the highest turnout, with l’81% of accesses which occurs between 8am and 8pm, and the most represented age group is always that between 18 to 64 years old (68% of cases). Citizens show that they know the ‘vocation’ of the CAU, wanted by the Region for the management of low complexity cases continuing to keep emergencies in charge of the emergency rooms: the 53% of accesses is due to orthopedic or intestinal problems and minor ailments.

“The emergency assistance centers are working well, citizens are starting to know them and use them in the right way, that is for non-serious pathologies, demonstrating that they have well understood the reason why they were created – states the councilor for health policies, Raffale Donini-Let’s move forward with this innovative project, which other Regions are watching with interest. All this is possible thanks to the good organization put in place and all the professionals involved, who on average are very young, given that 61% of doctors are under 35 years old. A fact which pleases us and which demonstrates that the CAUs, as well as being a service appreciated by citizens, are also a professional context appreciated by the new generations of healthcare professionals”.

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There are 348 doctors working in the CAU, of which 146 women and 202 men; exactly half, 174, are specialists.

Data 1 November – 25 February

These, in summary, are the numbers of the activity carried out from November 1st to February 25th in the 30 CAUs open and monitored: 66,515 accesses (77,797 also considering those in Ferrara, the first to start on an experimental basis as low-complexity clinics), 81% of which during daytime hours (including facilities open only during the day); on average 16 accesses per day in the morning (from 8am to 2pm) and 13 in the afternoon (from 2pm to 8pm); the daily accesses during night time (from 8pm to 8am) vary from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 31.

More than 8 out of 10 patients (exactly 83%) are sent to the doctor at the end of the course, therefore with assistance and care provided on site; the average waiting times in the last week of monitoring they are 40 minutes, from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 1 hour and 49 minutes, and approximately 1 hour in the previous weeks; cases for the majority (53%) orthopaedic, Gastrointestinal and relating to minor ailments; 68% of accesses are made by people between 18 and 64 years old. Finally, the 61% of doctors who work in the CAU has less than 35 years old.

The CAUs in the area

These are the emergency assistance centers operating in the area, with different start dates.

Province of Piacenza:
Bobbio 1st December, Piacenza 4th December, Podenzano 8th January

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Province of Parma: Province of Parma: CAU Parma 19 December, Fidenza 28 December, Fornovo 15
January, Langhirano 18 January

Province of Reggio Emilia: Reggio Emilia 19 December, Correggio 27 December

Province of Modena: Castelfranco Emilia 11 December, Finale Emilia 18 December, Fanano 29

Province of Bologna: Budrio 1st November, Vergato 8th November, Navile (Bologna) 11th December,
Casalecchio di Reno 18 December, Imola 21 December

Province of Ferrara: Ferrara, Comacchio, Copparo, all already active before November 1st,
Portomaggiore 13 November

Province of Ravenna: Cervia 18 December, Ravenna 22 January

Province of Forlì-Cesena: Saracen Market and Cesenatico 15 January, Bagno di Romagna and Santa
Sofia January 22nd

Province of Rimini: Cattolica 18 December, Santarcangelo di Romagna 15 January, Novafeltria 29

The Region’s communication campaign

The communication campaign that the Region has developed to illustrate how the CAUs work and what needs they respond to continues.
Aimed at the entire population, it aims to explain to citizens how access to regional emergency services is changing – therefore where the CAUs arise and how they work and for which pathologies they are indicated – and to increase awareness that the service public healthcare is a common heritage of great value, to be preserved.
A complex topic expressed in simple words using TV, radio, billboards, social channels and information material available online, on the web page dedicated to the reform of the emergency emergency system on the CAU region website and emergency emergency services in Emilia-Romagna – Health (region .emilia-romagna.it) and in the frequently asked questions section Frequently asked questions — Health (regione.emilia-romagna.it)
In the communication tools that allow it, the messages are reported in the five languages ​​used in the Emergency Department (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Chinese).
It is also available online the in-depth study “A day at the CAU”, edited by the Information and Communication Agency of the Regional Council, which shows how a day is spent in a CAU, telling in particular what happens in the Navile assistance and emergency center in Bologna, the first opened in the capital, 7 days a week , 24 hours a day, inside the Community House.

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